Hot Panfish Bite in -20 Weather!

  • Jordan Weiler
    Posts: 69

    -20 actual air temp, decided to hit the ice with my brother-in-law for the morning and chase after some panfish. Ended up having a great morning ice fishing, caught well over 50 panfish and ended up taking home 16 eater crappie.

    Type of jig didn’t seem to matter too much, any type of smaller jig or color 3-4 mm tipped with a spike, waxie, or plastic seemed to produce fish.

    Even tried out the famous Bratner Wonderbread jigs. Seemed to work well but the size I had was just a tick too big.

    Watch out for my next video, we hit up the Mississippi River recently and had over 30 flags in a day including a few really nice solid pike.

    Jordan Weiler
    Posts: 69

    Whoops, had to edit to add the link. Sorry

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