Anything biting under the ice on the SRCL?

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19473

    What depths are fish in right now? What’s been biting lately? How thick is the ice?

    bob schroden
    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 281

    Was out on 12-31-09 on Cedar Island.
    Cut holes from 4′ out to 23′.
    I drilled out four different areas.
    Marked a few fish, sat over them for two hours, but only caught two bluegills. Talked to a few other fishermen, and did not hear anything better. Pretty slow.

    10 inches of ice where I was, foot of snow and some slushy spots. -22 below here tonight, so that should freeze most of the slush. Nobody I saw was driving trucks out yet.

    Posts: 19473

    Thanks for the report, I plan on hitting my Ceder Island spots soon…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I hit Browns yesterday…. bad time, but went 11-4. Caught a few small perch, some close to keepers, but not quite… seen sunfish and perch only on the cam. I was in 26 fow, looking for crappies. We were the only ones in the area, but right straight out from the access, to the north a little, there was a tent town… guessing the sunnies were biting there…

    big G

    Posts: 19473

    Thanks for the update, I hope to get out there soon…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Heard they were jumping through the holes on Long…. right off the point, by the Browns access…. Also heard good things about Eden…. One of these days……

    big G

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