
  • glenn57
    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    this is how Glenn makes horseradish…
    cut leaves off…then cut the top off…you can replant that top with the partial leaf and it will regrow.
    get the horseradish root……i wash, rinse it off keeping it out of water as much as possible.
    scrap clean it good. i use a pressure washer first…saves ALOT of cleaning, scraping time.
    run through grinder..using course screen. be VERY careful not to stick nose in ground pot.
    i let it set once its ground for about 1/2 hour.

    my ingredients are
    vinegar, a bit of salt and some lemon juice. thats all i add! you need to slowly add the liquids to let it get absorbed….. it has enough fluids when you take a slotted spoon and the juice starts running through. i let it set a bit to make sure there’s enough juice.
    i use baby food jars to put the horseradish in…once all filled i put it in a box with all jars upright and put in frig for at least 1 day. then in freezer.
    once there froze i put them in a double brown paper bag, wrp tight ad back in freezer. the double bad keeps it whita alot longer!!!!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13432

    I’ve had very little homemade horseradish but what I’ve had its fantastic.

    Posts: 2872

    Is yours nice and hot glenn?

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    Is yours nice and hot glenn?

    to be honest…it varies… say its the XXX hot absolutely not. lets just say its got really good flavor and wont burn your gizzard unless you eat the whole jar plain!!! rotflol

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2106

    Glenn’s is very good!! I’m not one to grab it all the time but I can eat that stuff!! Thanks Glenn!! again!!

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099

    The first time I made Horseradish, I instictually took a sniff out of the food processor after I added the vinegar to see what it smelled like.

    Pain. It smells like pain. I thought I was going to die.

    Posts: 4483

    The first time I made Horseradish, I instictually took a sniff out of the food processor after I added the vinegar to see what it smelled like.

    I think thats a right of passage for horseradish maiking.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    The first time I made Horseradish, I instictually took a sniff out of the food processor after I added the vinegar to see what it smelled like.

    Pain. It smells like pain. I thought I was going to die.

    X2. That was maybe 50 years ago and all I’ll eat of horseradish today is store bought.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    Glenn’s is very good!! I’m not one to grab it all the time but I can eat that stuff!! Thanks Glenn!! again!!

    waytogo thanks Mike!!

    rotflol rotflol yea there’s a learning curve to making it. whistling helps to keep any groiund stuff covered and work with it upwind side!!!!

    i’ve tried store bought……not bragging …………but mine is way better. anyone that i’ve given some to says its better then most!!!!

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    i’ve tried store bought……not bragging …………but mine is way better. anyone that i’ve given some to says its better then most!!!!

    I think a lot depends on the age of the root you are grinding. A buddy’s parents had a large garden while he was growing up and had horseradish planted along one side and the plants had been there for many years. With the parents passed on he and his wife decided that the garden should be a thing again but he wanted the roots gone so he went to work digging them out and had quite a time…. seems they were about the size of a strong man’s forearm. He gave me three of the gnarly suckers. I pared them down to clean root, the cubed and coarse ground, then put the ground root thru the food processor with some white vinegar and a touch of salt and sugar. When I opened the processor I got a face full of the vapors and learned to never, ever, work horseradish root in the kitchen.

    I find some wild root each year and grind it because Ma likes it, but the smaller the root, the less likely it is to burn either your mouth, your nasals or your anie. That thick old root was like chopping a baseball bat but once ground and run thru the food processor and the vinegar added it was very tender.

    For what I eat of horeseradish I just go to the fridge and grab my jar of store bought and leave the home-made stuff for the woman. About the only thing she meat-wise she hasn’t put horseradish on is chicken or fish. I put a little on beef raost but that’s about the extent of it.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    Jimmy, were those big roots somewhat rotten in the middle?? i’ve found sometimes those bigger roots get that way, kinda brown, slimy and get rid of that. the whiter it looks after cleaning the better.

    yea the longer they stay in the ground the bigger and worse they get. the patch i work is maybe 20 ft long by 4-5 ft wide and i rotate going through it. where its planted was an old cow yard. takes me 3-4 years to completely rotate it, as i average 40-60 baby food jars a year.

    i prefer the larger roots……less cleaning, them little thin ones suck. i havent decided after all these years if the thinner roots or thicker ones have the most flavor/heat, as i do clean both. i had some this fall that were 2 1/2 to 3 inches across. which is the biggest i’ve come across.

    i mentioned in the other thread the old wives tale is doing horseradish with a month with an R in it, so i usually do it first part of oct. never tried it any other time of year. its one of them yearly traditions!!!

    i dont put it on beef, maybe a roast now and then, but brats, hot dogs, bologna , pork of any kind and fish are fair game!! even lunchmeat sammiches!!!

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    Nope. They were snow white. These were April roots. They grew in really rich black dirt.

    Posts: 4483

    i mentioned in the other thread the old wives tale is doing horseradish with a month with an R in it, so i usually do it first part of oct. never tried it any other time of year. its one of them yearly traditions!!!

    Dont you mean months that end in “R”. Hard digging in JanuaRy FebRuaRy MaRch ApRil

    Posts: 4483

    Glenn what is there to do in Cold Spring? My daughters have a dance competition there the end of this month. I was off the hook if the Vikings were in the NFC championship that day but that ship has sailed.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    Glenn what is there to do in Cold Spring? My daughters have a dance competition there the end of this month. I was off the hook if the Vikings were in the NFC championship that day but that ship has sailed.

    fishing the chain! rotflol entertainment wise, not much other thrn 3 bars. There’s a movie theater. If your looking for food I’d recommend Winners bar and grill, good food. For pizza Marnitelli’s. On Saturday a meat raffle at grumpy, bar bingo at the side bar. About all I and my bride can think of. doah

    Regarding your horseradish post, never thought of it that way but yea, for obvious reasons

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    Glenn what is there to do in Cold Spring? My daughters have a dance competition there the end of this month. I was off the hook if the Vikings were in the NFC championship that day but that ship has sailed.

    iffin it’s the 25th, we could maybe meet up somewhere, but i got a wake to go to by 10, maybe later in the afternoon.

    Posts: 4483

    Im not sure what time it is exactly but im sure it will be all day and my daughters part will probably be a few minutes. No way I could sit still that long. Unless at a meat raffle then im sure I could.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    Im not sure what time it is exactly but im sure it will be all day and my daughters part will probably be a few minutes. No way I could sit still that long. Unless at a meat raffle then im sure I could.

    meat raffle is at grumpys bar middle of town starts at 2:30. Let me know when it gets closer, I’ll pm ya my cell #.

    Posts: 2873

    You mean you don’t add miracle whip?

    Posts: 2872

    How about the months Jury and Raugust glenn.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    How about the months Jury and Raugust glenn.

    rotflol nope not those months

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