Honda auger oil

  • johnksully
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 678

    What oil is everyone running in there Honda lite augers? I know it reccomends 0w-20. I found some 0w-40 amsoil would that work?

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4333

    Amsoil also makes a 0-20 automotive oil. Don’t know what specs you need for the Honda.

    Central SD
    Posts: 109

    I just buy the little bottle that are sold for the Honda Lite, I believe it is synthetic oil. Yeah, I know you probably pay as much for the little bottle as for a whole quart, but it makes it idiot proof! James mentioned in a previous post that the biggest problem they have had with the auger is over filling with oil by the owners.

    Posts: 77

    What oil is everyone running in there Honda lite augers? I know it reccomends 0w-20. I found some 0w-40 amsoil would that work?

    I personally wouldn’t recommend the 0W-40 (pretty thick for cold weather). If Honda recommends 0W-20 I would stick with that. Most auto part stores sell 0W-20 so it shouldn’t be a problem to get. Walmart has Mobil 1 0W-20 which is what I run in my pickup. I think it would work good to keep the small oil container the auger comes with and then just refill it from the quart bottle. That way you get the correct amount (assuming you know how far to fill the small bottle).

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