I deal with insurance companies every day. I will say this. Insurance companies are not all the same. When you price shop be very mindful to look at the fine print and see what they cover or do not cover. Thinking you have a good deal may very well not be anything of the sort. I can’t tell you how many people have no idea what coverage they have and are shocked when I get to tell them they will have to pay out of pocket for things because they saved money on their premiums. A few things that I have seen that can add up to a lot of money. ACV only policies, 2% of house value deductibles. High deductible, I have seen a $25,000 deductible for a $500,000 house. There are so many things, these are just two common things that are used to drop cost. I only am writing this because until you need it you may not know what is covered and whether or not if even if covered if your insurance will in fact pay. I see some horrible companies that flat out refuse to pay for damage that should be covered but are denied.
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