Was in the tree last night and night before, and I saw the deer get up out of the corn where they were bedded and run to the freshly combined bean field. There were quite a few deer than ran to the field and started eating the loose beans off the ground. Always thought they hit them when it was green and then hit them again in Dec. But I’ve never seen them choose the beans over corn when presented with the choice.
Fresh picked field this morning had 15 deer in it still at 7:30AM. I’m sure they were feeding there all night. Not all picked beans are the same however. The older farm equipment provided the most beans on the ground for deer, and even if there’s lots on the ground, they won’t come to it unless it’s in an area they feel secure in. Most often, that’s not within sight of a road.
The same thing is happening for the guys that hunt where they chop corn for silage. I had a buddy who killed a really nice buck that was coming to a 3-hour old silage chop just a few weeks ago.
Amazing what opportunists they are!