Hit and Run

  • boone
    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    Lol. Yeah. I’m not calling anyone a liar, but reminds me of an incident I had as a teenager. I bent the truth about what happened to my pickup that led to a string of lies that quickly crumbled down. Incident included a topless girl in the pickup in front of me, a CB radio, a ford ranger, a sharp curve, and a culvert that took place in a totally different county than where my parents thought I was at the time. I eventually came clean right before my folks called the sherif on a fictitious hit and run. I left out some details during my confession. among my friends we coined the phrase instead of as the crow flies, it was as the Ranger drives. I’m pretty sure I’m still soposed to be grounded.

    You should have at least told your dad about the topless girl part. I’m sure he would have fully understood at that point. I bet the image of that topless girl is still permanently etched in your brain. smile

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12567

    She called the police and we have a police report. There were other witnesses. Just no one who was smart enough to get a tag number.

    Its good there was other witnesses. Mr. Beads was correct, You just want to make sure of the details before the police become involved. I’ve had a few clients that found out after the fact, that the situation did not go down the way their teenager told them it did. It doesn’t end up well for a young driver if its later discovered that a false police report was filed. We all like to feel like our kids are always honest, but the reality is that they are not always. I’m sure we were not always honest with our parents 100% of the time either. Sure hope they catch the person responsible and it ends up going against their insurance and they receive a citation for it.

    Posts: 11

    I watched a guy pulling a 5th wheel completely destroy a RV pumping station. Snapped off two concrete poles and moved a small 8 by 8′ building. He stopped at Campground office and when I said something to him he said “I hit What?”. I could tell he honestly had no idea he hit the stuff… even after seeing damage to his trailer.
    Not saying this is your case, but it could be. Some people have no idea how to pull big trailers and things. Sorry this happened.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I was thinking the same thing Lancons23 (and not saying it happened in this case.

    Older gentleman backed out of our driveway when I was a young buck and his front bumper creamed the front quarter panel of my car. He honestly didn’t have a clue…but then many years later backed over his wife. She ended up with bruises and he was in the hospital longer than she was J/k.

    Few years back I pulled into a hardware store. Just had a sloppy snow storm. I paid for what I needed and the guy behind me said, I hit your truck. I figured he hit it in the parking lot but nope…when I was slowing to turn into the hardware store he hit me without me knowing it! He had some damage to his grill and he polished my ball hitch. What a stand up guy!

    But back to Lancons point, the back end of trailers swing wide, and I can see the driver not noticing. Now if they actually “sped away” that would indicate something else.

    Posts: 265

    I guess I thought that MN was a “no fault “ insurance state. I had a friend get hit in a rental on the interstate in the twin citys area the rental insurance coverage paid for property damage. I got hit In MI a “no fault “state the guy got a ticket he totaled my truck missed my boat. It cost me 4000.00 to rent a uhaul truck and fly back 3 of my family all to get 500.00 tort from his insurance company my company had to pay for replacing the truck no other travel expenses. It would have cheaper to have totaled my boat. Thankfully KS isn’t a “no fault “ state. Guys insurance paid for fixing my Skeeter and truck when we got hit in the back with a Tesla that one was about $38500.00 cost for that one

    Justin riegel
    Posts: 978

    I guess I thought that MN was a “no fault “ insurance state. I had a friend get hit in a rental on the interstate in the twin citys area the rental insurance coverage paid for property damage. I got hit In MI a “no fault “state the guy got a ticket he totaled my truck missed my boat. It cost me 4000.00 to rent a uhaul truck and fly back 3 of my family all to get 500.00 tort from his insurance company my company had to pay for replacing the truck no other travel expenses. It would have cheaper to have totaled my boat. Thankfully KS isn’t a “no fault “ state. Guys insurance paid for fixing my Skeeter and truck when we got hit in the back with a Tesla that one was about $38500.00 cost for that one

    MN is “no Fault State” for injuries only as far using your own Personal injury protection coverage.

    MN is an “at Fault state” Where if your negligence is less than or equal to the other parties you can recover that percent from them or their insurance company. So if someone runs a red light and hits you and they are considered 100% at fault, you can recover your damages from them or their insurance company.

    I believe Michigan is a little weirder where if the other party is at fault you can only recover your deductible or $1000 or something like that.

    Each states Negligence laws are different.

    In this case the OP’s Insurance company should be trying to find out of there is video of this accident. I know I would be all over mine to do this. The police have no real jurisdiction as it would be considered a civil matter that occurred on private property. Technically it is a hit and run but most areas are too busy to pursue something like this.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    THere was one business that had cameras out front. I am still waiting to hear from their corporate office to see if they have anything. I have some freinds in Law Enforcement so if I get a plate they will help me pursue it for sure. Ended up being around $8k in damage overall. I will have to pay my $1k deductable and it will be done. USAA said it will not impact my rates as it was a hit and run.

    Chippewa Falls, Wi
    Posts: 415

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>buckybadger wrote:</div>
    I hate that the insurance industry has essentially shifted towards not seeking blame or pursuing guilt in accidents and has submitted to just bumping rates across the board. A buddy of mine has a pretty large book of business worth 10s of millions for State Farm and has told me that things like this are “minor” through their eyes and that efforts to track down hit and run suspects has never been lower with local law enforcement for a multitude of reasons.

    Its not a insurance companies job of Determining blame or determining guilt. That is the job of the police and court system. I do agree that there has been a recent shift in the police of determining fault or issuing citations at the scene of accidents ( Even when its really clear of who is at fault ) I’m sure many recent factors is the cause of this. I can not tell you the # of times that the at fault party has openly admitted fault to the policy at the scene of a accident and no citation was issued. To make matters worse when the police report is issued, there is no mention in the report of the at fault party admitting responsibility. Once the not at faults insurance company reaches out to the at fault party to take a statement, they no longer admit fault. Now the insurance is left with: No police citation, No police report with a determination who is at fault, No mention by the police of the at fault party admitting fault. Its kind of hard for a insurance company to collect subrogation from the other insurance carrier without a determination of fault.

    My son was rear ended driving my car by an African American in downtown Chippewa Falls, WI in August after he stopped for a pedestrian while he was turning left. After the cop got statements from the drivers and the two witnesses that backed up my sons story, I asked if they would be issuing a citation, the cop said yes. I assumed it was for following too close or driving too fast for conditions, was I wrong, they cited him for driving while suspended! My 2004 Vibe was totaled and his Ford suv had minimal damage. I filed a claim with the insurance company that he told the cop that he was with and they did not have a policy for him, I only had liability. After getting the police report and the body camera footage and seeing what he was cited for, I met with cop. I asked him why he wasn’t cited for rear ending my son and he said it was not up to him to determine fault, that’s up to the insurance companies. I said that would be fine, but he didn’t have insurance or I wouldn’t be talking with you. The body cam footage also has the other cop asking him if he was going to cite him for following too close and he said no, the video also has the driver saying he knows his brakes were bad! Sooo, it would be a felony if he stole the car, but since it’s an accident and doesn’t have insurance, I’m screwed. All I can do is try to garnish his wages now that I have a small claims judgement in my favor. Also, he has two pages of violations on C-cap.
    Moral of the story is that even if you know who did it and they were wrong, you can still be out the money!

    Posts: 24658

    My wife was T-boned a few years back and her car totaled. The lady that hit her had a suspended license and expired insurance. They issued an arrest warrant for her but they were never able to track her down.

    Posts: 9311

    My son was rear ended driving my car by an African American in downtown Chippewa Falls, WI

    Oh boy… doah

    Chippewa Falls, Wi
    Posts: 415

    I’m actually the one that had to find out his address for the sheriff’s department to have him served as he kept moving. I C-capped him and went to his court appearance in another county hoping he would show up and he did. They always ask for the current address to update there records and he gave it to them which turned out to be the right one.

    Chippewa Falls, Wi
    Posts: 415

    I’m 99.9% sure that if the roles were reversed, my son would have been cited.

    Chippewa Falls, Wi
    Posts: 415

    Because a citation should have been issued in this situation and I believe wasn’t due to all of the protests. Wouldn’t you expect to be cited for rear ending a person: inattentive driving, following too close or too fast for conditions (pedestrians crossing everywhere)?

    Posts: 1805

    yeah, those coppers are well known for giving special preferential treatment to people of color jester

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    THere was one business that had cameras out front. I am still waiting to hear from their corporate office to see if they have anything. I have some freinds in Law Enforcement so if I get a plate they will help me pursue it for sure. Ended up being around $8k in damage overall. I will have to pay my $1k deductable and it will be done. USAA said it will not impact my rates as it was a hit and run.

    I’m not so sure them cop friends can left fork over the names to you??? I tried that once, he said I can look the license plate up but can’t legally give me the name???

    Posts: 1044

    yeah, those coppers are well known for giving special preferential treatment to people of color jester

    If you want to commit crime, come on down to Chicago. Kim Fox will just let you go.

    tip of the mitten
    Posts: 412

    michigan insurance is the absolute worst and it’s EXPENSIVE! no fault is like a vacuum…it sucks.

    Nice Fella
    Posts: 461

    We’re going through a similar situation just since Tuesday. 100% other driver’s fault; firefighter EMT a witness; police did not file a “report” or cite the woman. Her insurer asked for “all” our medical records. We contacted an attorney, which all I can say, is the best advice I can offer. Those folks deal with this crap every day and know how to look out for you. And they know how the insurance companies like to maneuver.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dirty Water wrote:</div>
    yeah, those coppers are well known for giving special preferential treatment to people of color jester

    If you want to commit crime, come on down to Chicago. Kim Fox will just let you go.

    How does she still have a job after the Smollett scam ?

    Posts: 1044

    Last year there was a shootout among gang members and Kim Foxx declined to prosecute any of them. Welcome to Chicago.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    Something that might help is a dash cam front and back . If vehicle is hit when parked ,it instantly triggers recording feature. Nothing like having a video of the situation . Bought one last year for a trip , sure enough idiots outside Chicago almost killed us . Cut us off , lucky no collision . But was on video .

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