Hit and Run

  • MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    Not a nice person hit and run my truck Saturday in the Starbuck Parking lot in Cambridge, MN. It was a White full size pick up truck pulling a big silver ice castle. The ice castle should have a lot of damage and black paint all over the side from my truck which has significant damage.

    If you see anything like that a heads up would be great. Did not get a lisence plate as they booked it out of there fast!

    People suck!

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6134

    Call Starbuck and see if they have any Surveillance Video. Cameras are everywhere!


    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    the only there was in the Goodwill parking lot. They are checking

    Posts: 24658

    Man people are pricks. They were probably drunk. Did you see which direction they were headed? Could possibly find more places that would have cameras down the route they went. There are also traffic cams literally everywhere. I wonder if MNDOT would be of help.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12567

    With that amount of damage, Its not like they were unaware of it. Hit and Runs are far to common. Way to many people driving around without any insurance. Until the fines increase for driving without insurance its only going to keep happening. The current fine in Minnesota is a Min. of 200.00 and a Max of 1000.00. Not near high enough to stop some people from taking the chance. Hope you can find who the driver / owner of the other vehicle was. If you do, push the police to issue a citation for a hit and run.

    Posts: 1671

    Sorry, man that sucks. There’s a lot of new fish house owners who have no business pulling a trailer. I am a firm believer that in order to buy a boat, fish house, camper, etc. you should have to go out to the parking lot and do a simple driving test with trailer being purchased.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    My 16 yo daughter was driving with her friends. She was stopped in the parking lot when the guy hit her and took off. She panicked and froze, then tried to go see which way the guy went. Once she fought the parking lot traffic, busy Saturday, they were gone. I asked he how 3 16 yo girls are always on their phones and not one thought to take a pic….ugh

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12567

    My 16 yo daughter was driving with her friends. She was stopped in the parking lot when the guy hit her and took off. She panicked and froze, then tried to go see which way the guy went. Once she fought the parking lot traffic, busy Saturday, they were gone. I asked he how 3 16 yo girls are always on their phones and not one thought to take a pic….ugh

    That’s a scary and not so great start to her driving career. Hopefully you can locate the driver and things turn out ok for you and her.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1428

    I am a firm believer that in order to buy a boat, fish house, camper, etc. you should have to go out to the parking lot and do a simple driving test with trailer being purchased.

    Yes I hate when people ruin others property. Ever notice the age of most driving RV’s down the road? Try to get a CDL and keep it but by all means drive an RV with just a common drivers license.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    THey would have noticed this

    1. IMG_1066-scaled.jpg

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18778

    the only there was in the Goodwill parking lot. They are checking

    Hopefully there is footage AND they turn it over to authorities AND the authorities find the responsible party.

    I was in a similar situation not long ago, February 2020 (right before the pandemic started). I was in Cub Foods for less than 30 minutes and my wife and I came out to find the rear passenger side of our Escape damaged. The store manager said there is footage of it, but he was not permitted to turn it over to me. He had to give it to the police instead. So he did that. The police did nothing about it. Even though I have full coverage on that vehicle and was not listed to be “at fault”, I had to pay my $500 deductible. When I contacted the sergeant about it, he said that he couldn’t devote the manpower or resources into looking at the footage and tracking down the responsible party. So I complained to my insurance instead. They told me without a responsible party listed, I was on the hook for the 500 bucks. So now I’m stuck between insurance and the cops. Went back to the police dept and complained, and told the sergeant to do his job. That one kind of back fired and pissed him off, so after that I reluctantly paid my deductible and went on my way.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    That definitely sucks. The odds of tracking them down and then having the ability to do something about it are probably thin at best, but best of luck.

    I hate that the insurance industry has essentially shifted towards not seeking blame or pursuing guilt in accidents and has submitted to just bumping rates across the board. A buddy of mine has a pretty large book of business worth 10s of millions for State Farm and has told me that things like this are “minor” through their eyes and that efforts to track down hit and run suspects has never been lower with local law enforcement for a multitude of reasons.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    Oh dang. That’s awful. Hopefully you will find this out. Very sad situation.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    I have pretty much resigned to the fact I will have to pay my $1000 deductable to USAA!

    Like I said People suck

    Posts: 24658

    I have pretty much resigned to the fact I will have to pay my $1000 deductable to USAA!

    Like I said People suck

    That is quite the damage holy Hannah!

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12567

    I hate that the insurance industry has essentially shifted towards not seeking blame or pursuing guilt in accidents and has submitted to just bumping rates across the board. A buddy of mine has a pretty large book of business worth 10s of millions for State Farm and has told me that things like this are “minor” through their eyes and that efforts to track down hit and run suspects has never been lower with local law enforcement for a multitude of reasons.

    Its not a insurance companies job of Determining blame or determining guilt. That is the job of the police and court system. I do agree that there has been a recent shift in the police of determining fault or issuing citations at the scene of accidents ( Even when its really clear of who is at fault ) I’m sure many recent factors is the cause of this. I can not tell you the # of times that the at fault party has openly admitted fault to the policy at the scene of a accident and no citation was issued. To make matters worse when the police report is issued, there is no mention in the report of the at fault party admitting responsibility. Once the not at faults insurance company reaches out to the at fault party to take a statement, they no longer admit fault. Now the insurance is left with: No police citation, No police report with a determination who is at fault, No mention by the police of the at fault party admitting fault. Its kind of hard for a insurance company to collect subrogation from the other insurance carrier without a determination of fault.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12567

    THey would have noticed this

    Yes they would have. Best of luck to you.

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 610

    Few things make me more upset than Hit and Runs. Seriously grow the F up and face your mistakes. Hopefully you get him.

    Posts: 2123

    There’s a Starbucks in Cambridge now. Damn I moved the wrong time.

    Sucks man, that is some crazy damage!

    Posts: 3319

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Rick Ziesmer wrote:</div>
    the only there was in the Goodwill parking lot. They are checking

    Hopefully there is footage AND they turn it over to authorities AND the authorities find the responsible party.

    I was in a similar situation not long ago, February 2020 (right before the pandemic started). I was in Cub Foods for less than 30 minutes and my wife and I came out to find the rear passenger side of our Escape damaged. The store manager said there is footage of it, but he was not permitted to turn it over to me. He had to give it to the police instead. So he did that. The police did nothing about it. Even though I have full coverage on that vehicle and was not listed to be “at fault”, I had to pay my $500 deductible. When I contacted the sergeant about it, he said that he couldn’t devote the manpower or resources into looking at the footage and tracking down the responsible party. So I complained to my insurance instead. They told me without a responsible party listed, I was on the hook for the 500 bucks. So now I’m stuck between insurance and the cops. Went back to the police dept and complained, and told the sergeant to do his job. That one kind of back fired and pissed him off, so after that I reluctantly paid my deductible and went on my way.

    Your story makes my blood boil. flame Police cry all the time that people won’t step up and help solve crimes. Here you have info for them to help solve a crime and they are too lazy to do their job. I would of gone higher up the ladder and see if a Captain could make the lazy a$$ Sargent do HIS job for a change.

    Also might of helped if you delivered a couple dozen donuts to the precinct/office. whistling

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18778

    Your story makes my blood boil. flame Police cry all the time that people won’t step up and help solve crimes. Here you have info for them to help solve a crime and they are too lazy to do their job. I would of gone higher up the ladder and see if a Captain could make the lazy a$$ Sargent do HIS job for a change.

    Also might of helped if you delivered a couple dozen donuts to the precinct/office. whistling

    I’m not anti police or against law enforcement in any way. I don’t think it was a matter of laziness. I just didn’t really have much for options. Either complain to the insurance company or complain to the police dept. Neither one really helped me and they pointed to the other. At least he was honest with me when he told me he couldn’t allocate the time or resources to find the guilty party.

    Paul D
    Posts: 179

    That sucks, and pretty sure the offender knows what he did to your truck. Hope you find the scoundrels.

    Several years ago, wife’s car sideswiped in Cub parking lot. PD notified, they had to get a search warrant to view the video. Turned out is was an elderly lady that shouldn’t have been driving. PD supplied her contact info, and we worked out the details of paying for the damage.

    Also, Minnesota is a diminished value state, meaning if you are involved in a NON fault crash, the other party is responsible for reimbursing you for the diminished value of your vehicle. Sadly I have gone after other a couple insurance companies/drivers and the offenders Insurance company was not aware that Minnesota took part. They were shocked when they had to fork over another 2K on top of the damages.

    Posts: 1179

    That sucks OP.

    The rest of this thread reinforces why I park near no one else and walk.

    Adam Steffes
    Posts: 439

    Its not just the deductible you have to worry about. Your premiums, especially with a young driver will be ENORMOUS or you will get dropped. The worst is yet to come whether you find the person responsible or not.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6134

    Either complain to the insurance company or complain to the police dept. Neither one really helped me and they pointed to the other.

    The main reason you need to make positive ID is to get a VALID accident report on file. You will need this for an insurance claim. Mn is a no fault state, so you will likely be paying some out of pocket. If the other driver has no insurance, you can file a lawsuit to recover their portion of out of pocket costs.

    If they have no insurance, they are probably broke. Then you can file a lien on their credit. This will force them to pay you before getting any new loans.

    If nothing else, it will force them to move out of mom’s basement and relocate in another state. Don’t ask how I know…. coffee


    Posts: 5307

    We have 3 teens in a car and we’re sure it was an ice castle?

    Certain questions need to be asked, I’ll be the douche who does.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    sorry Maybe not an Ice Castle brand. But for sure a wheel house. We live on a lake. She knows what a wheel house is.

    Posts: 1805

    We have 3 teens in a car and we’re sure it was an ice castle?

    Certain questions need to be asked, I’ll be the douche who does.

    In high school my sister ran into a safety bollard in a parking lot and tried to tell my folks it was a hit & run. Just saying… jester

    Posts: 1671

    We have 3 teens in a car and we’re sure it was an ice castle?

    Certain questions need to be asked, I’ll be the douche who does.

    Lol. Yeah. I’m not calling anyone a liar, but reminds me of an incident I had as a teenager. I bent the truth about what happened to my pickup that led to a string of lies that quickly crumbled down. Incident included a topless girl in the pickup in front of me, a CB radio, a ford ranger, a sharp curve, and a culvert that took place in a totally different county than where my parents thought I was at the time. I eventually came clean right before my folks called the sherif on a fictitious hit and run. I left out some details during my confession. rotflol among my friends we coined the phrase instead of as the crow flies, it was as the Ranger drives. I’m pretty sure I’m still soposed to be grounded.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    She called the police and we have a police report. There were other witnesses. Just no one who was smart enough to get a tag number.

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