Want to come grouse hunting at my place?

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IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Upland Game Hunting – Pheasants, Quail & Grouse » Hey bearcat and John R
Holy sheet.
Up North?
SE MN is loaded with em too. I cut wood last weekend and picked ticks off me and the dog for an hour. Little bitty ones.
Guys getting deer this week best be careful. The deer are loaded with ticks.
It’s bad up here. Dog had 10 on last night. One bad deer tick bit on a buddy and pulled 5 off me.
They are bad in Crow Wing County. I tried to start a thread the other day, but couldn’t get my post to start.
No bird worth that many ticks.I stick to the boat and fishing,safer.
I’m guessing that all the recent rain and warmer than average temps created a late hatch. Need a couple of good hard freezes to get rid of them.
Whoa that is bad. I’ll give it a while before I look for grouse up there.
Care to share where you got into all these?
Or the county? (Not asking for your hunting spots)
Feel free to pm me if you prefer.
Would like to steer clear of that area.
What’s everyone else’s experience in your area. I was born in 1957. From 5 to 16 years old, if I wasn’t in school, mowing grass or other chores I was in the woods. Don’t remember all those years picking one tick off. By my 30’s, a morning turkey hunting was good for at least 2 dozen. After half a dozen buddies with bad cases of Lymes disease, one actually dying from aftereffects due to being miss diagnosed for most of a year. I have really altered my time in the woods to mostly cold weather. The only drastic difference I can see is in the 60’s and 70’s in our area a deer was a rare sighting. Forward to the 90’s, most farms the deer outnumbered livestock. Oh, yeah.. then there is Global Warming. Although we had 100-degree days every year, and maybe a couple in the last 10!
NW sconny this morning. Both dogs fairly loaded with tiny ones. Mostly head an neck. Lots of tweezer action. My wife held the light and was NOT impressed. Hey, got one bird though!
Want to come grouse hunting at my place?
Sorry to see that. That sucks man. Guess we will have to wait till after deer hunting. Still up for a beer if you guys want to swing by.
We had ticks on my GSP this past Spring like that holy smokes was it bad. It was just before we got the tick stuff on him and then I immediately ran to town to get some and it was surprisingly hard to find.
Pine county couple miles from the croix. This happens every year like this. Once again, I pulled about 3 off me all weekend, and about 150 off the dog.
Forgot about making this post lol
Bear and John, I rarely ever go back up there after deer season- spend almost all my weekends pheasant hunting in Iowa and SW Minnesota the rest of the season. I will however be back up there this weekend. If you’re around we could possibly meet up then?
I should clarify I don’t even deer hunt anymore so this weekend will most likely be the last hoorah(only been up there once so far).
On the bright side we did pick up two grouse and five woodcock that weekend, not just ticks!
I won’t be up there until firearms opener Friday midday till Monday morning. Then back the next Friday till Sunday, unless everyone tags out early which has come close but has not happened yet. Will have to catch up another time.
Found a bunch in Western MN this weekend pheasant hunting. Found some birds too!
I was out in Western MN too and luckily nothing on the pup or myself but birds was a different story…
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