Hey Andy aka walleyestudent

  • Ripjiggen
    Posts: 13088

    Heard there was is a tornado just to your west. Not up there now so seeing what you may know first hand about any damage or exactly where it is hitting. Hopefully you are taking cover as I write this.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6339

    Just saw that too. Looking like right by Garrison with ping pong sized hail. I have lots of family in that area too hoping everyone is ok

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17536

    Anybody getting anything on the web cams?

    Posts: 13088

    Yeah confirmed on ground is what I saw. Pretty much right over my place.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Yikes! I just left today around 1:00 to make a quick trip back to Coon Rapids to take care of a few things and reload for family coming in on Saturday.

    We did have some heavy stuff move through early this morning, strange to watch over the lake once I got up. A heavy east wind was blowing in and then in an instant the wind switched out of the west once the front pushed through and I could see the collision about a mile out. Heavy white cap rollers from the east meeting the same from the west and it kicked up these “water devils” like mini tornadoes dancing across the lake. Never seen anything quite like that.

    Anyway, hope my little abode is still intact when I get back Saturday.

    South end
    Posts: 751

    We vacated our place in Wahkon a little after noon so our youngest and her husband could entertain his cousin & wife from KS until Sunday.
    Dead calm at 7:00 AM & wind and rain after that.
    I’ve seen the pond do a lot of sloshing in my life. The seiche (water level being changed by atmospheric pressure and wind) was at least 2′ & the highs and lows were at the most a half hour apart.
    Edit: Just got a call and no rsin but lots of wind and water was up overthe dock. Boat was almost pushed off the lift

    Posts: 13088

    Seeing some pictures on Facebook now. Definitely going to be some damage.

    1. 8E4B817C-F802-443A-B391-C25A3D228D11-1.png

    2. 8E4B817C-F802-443A-B391-C25A3D228D11.png

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11126

    Pretty wild video of the wind and waves at a launch on Mille Lacs on the Fishing MN facebook group.

    Posts: 13088

    Seeing the trees and damage on Facebook this morning looks like the northwest and North end took the brunt of the storm. Going to be some cleanup effort.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3148

    I’ve seen the pond do a lot of sloshing in my life. The seiche (water level being changed by atmospheric pressure and wind) was at least 2′ & the highs and lows were at the most a half hour apart.

    Well, I learned a new word today. When I first read the above, I was thinking to myself; doesn’t that term apply to water clarity? as in “Secchi disk”?

    Yes it does, but the spelling is different and obviously the words and terms are different.

    Thanks for the education. Glad nothing was damaged by the seiche. (interesting in that “spell check” does not recognize the word grin )

    water doc
    Posts: 20

    A seiche has nothing to do with water clarity. It’s essentially a “sloshing” in lake level caused by a atmospheric pressure difference from one side of a lake from the other.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3148

    A seiche has nothing to do with water clarity. It’s essentially a “sloshing” in lake level caused by a atmospheric pressure difference from one side of a lake from the other.

    As I said, I learned a new word today. He used the term, explained what it meant and I researched both terms to educate myself. But thanks for confirming my research.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Well, I learned a new word today. When I first read the above, I was thinking to myself; doesn’t that term apply to water clarity? as in “Secchi disk”?

    Yes it does, but the spelling is different and obviously the words and terms are different.

    Thanks for the education. Glad nothing was damaged by the seiche. (interesting in that “spell check” does not recognize the word grin )


    It wasn’t but a few years ago when I learned about the seiche phenomenon on Mille Lacs. Someone was describing on the east side near Isle where the Thaines river flows into the lake reversing direction and flowing upstream. It lifted boats up on shore and on top of docks.

    The opposite effect occurred last night around the lake and drained the water out of the harbor at Fisher’s Resort leaving boats laying on the bottom.

    Pic’s here including the tornado near Garrison on the west side. I’m hearing of damage around the lake this morning, boats flipped over or missing. sad

    1. MLT1.jpg

    2. MLT2.jpg

    3. FH.jpg

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6162

    That pic of Fisher’s harbor is crazy! We were staying at Chapman’s in Isle bay back in the early 90’s. Big storm blew in from the south. Sucked the water out of Isle bay leaving my boat sitting on the lake bottom. Kinda hanging off the dock for a while. An hour or 2 later when the lake sloshed back it floated a boat off the boat lift! Water was nearly at the top of the ramp. Crazy!


    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6162

    If you go to Hunter Winfields webcam, it is stuck near the end of the storm last night. You can see the water rolling over the dock. Pretty big storm surge there.


    1. hunterwinfield.jpg

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    Good pics of the tornado in the distance

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1420

    If you go to Hunter Winfields webcam, it is stuck near the end of the storm last night. You can see the water rolling over the dock. Pretty big storm surge there.

    At least this year it looks as if the boat made it out of the water! I remember seeing the cam last year with the boat swamped, sitting on the bottom!

    Posts: 13088

    Sounds like most of the tree/ property damage was on the east side of lake from Big Point to Malmo from the straight line winds. Nothing that can’t be fixed or was destroyed Mostly trees and some docks and boats. Sounds like the tornado on the west did minimal damage. So all is good for the most part. Wish I was there to see it in person. Seeing some awesome skyline pictures on the internet.

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