Here is what is coming out for Lowrance Live Mapping with SonarChart Live

  • Kirt
    Posts: 116

    Here is what is coming out for Lowrance Live Mapping with SonarChart Live- What I know so far, subject to change…

    Release date TBD

    ➢ See below for effected units.
    ➢ Lowrance NOS 56 software update.
    ➢ Lowrance Units covered are-
    • HDS Gen 3 12, 9, 7 Version 4.5
    • Elite Ti version 2.5
    • Lowrance Carbon
    ➢ SonarChart Live data recorded in Lowrance and displayed live on screen.
    ➢ SonarChart data is not recorded to the hard drive of the sonar, it is recorded to the Navionics card and Navionics card is required. (See below for required cards).
    ➢ Create High Definition 1’ contours.
    ➢ Requires a Navionics mapping card with an active chart update subscription (Freshest Data).
    ➢ Navionics Cards needed-
    • Hotmaps Platinum
    • Platinum +
    • Navionics +
    • Navionics + Regions
    • Navionics Updates
    ➢ Data recorded in Lowrance and stored on card is not shared to Navionics.
    ➢ Genesis / Lowrance nor Navionics gets NO LOGS or Data from Lowrance Plotter/Sonar. Data not shared.
    ➢ Adjust SonarChart contour density.
    ➢ Update Navionics Mapping card in Lowrance Plotter via WI fi connection between Mobile device and Plotter.
    ➢ Download updated charts and transfer routes and markers/waypoints via the innovative Plotter Sync capability of Navionics Boating apps without having to remove the Navionics card.
    ➢ If you choose to do SonarChart Live and want to update your Navionics SonarChart data on card or mobile device app you have to connect affected Lowrance Units via Wi fi to Navionics Mobile app and do SonarChart Live in the mobile device, which is then uploaded to Navionics and processed into the community SonarChart layer. You then do a Freshest Data update to card or mobile device.
    ➢ Added functions-
    • You can do plotter sync.
    • Shallow Water Highlight.
    • Depth Highlight.
    • Easy View.
    • Transparency.
    • Navionics Dock-to-dock Autorouting creates intelligent, detailed routes, even through narrow passages and channels.

    1. Screen-Shot-2016-12-19-at-8.50.02-PM.png

    2. Screen-Shot-2016-12-19-at-8.39.03-PM.png

    3. Screen-Shot-2016-12-19-at-8.38.29-PM.png

    4. SCL-.png

    Ryan P
    Posts: 223

    That’s pretty cool. Its frustrating to me that it requires you to buy a Navionics chip to be able to go out and do live update. Seems like the live mapping feature would be much more cost effective to the average angler if it meant they could live map the lakes they normally fish and bypass the cost of an expensive map chip for several lakes their boat will never see. I’m sure there is a technological reason for this but I know for me it would be much easier to justify the cost of a new unit that I could live map on. Just my thoughts. I think the technology is awesome though!

    Posts: 24958

    Well, since I have chips from all of the companies that offer them for Lowrance I am ALL FOR IT! -)
    I do find it interesting that even though Lowrance has their own line of chips that this isn’t slated to work with them at least for now anyway.

    I have been long waiting for this. I have messed around recording my sonar logs, then uploading them to the “GoFree” community and received the “map file” back, but obviously that takes time. Being able to see it real time like this is huge and long overdue IMO.

    Excited for this release.

    Tim Bossert
    Cochrane, WI
    Posts: 429

    CaptainMusky, I believe you can have the unit process the map itself to speed things up, but it still isn’t “live”.

    Posts: 4062

    Nope it’s real time mapping on the screen appearing right before your eyes. Read my notes above

    Mr. Derek
    Posts: 237

    Nope it’s real time mapping on the screen appearing right before your eyes. Read my notes above

    Any knowledge of when the gen 2 touch update will be out?

    Posts: 4062

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>KirtH wrote:</div>
    Nope it’s real time mapping on the screen appearing right before your eyes. Read my notes above

    Any knowledge of when the gen 2 touch update will be out?

    Nope check with Lowrance but they probably won’t say if it and when

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Way COOL! That dang river changes every year…sometimes more then once a year!

    After buying a sonar, the cost of a Navionics card is well, trivial.

    Tim J
    Duluth, MN
    Posts: 539

    Release date? I will pre-order one if I have too. Priceless tool for river fishing.

    Posts: 116

    Release date? I will pre-order one if I have too. Priceless tool for river fishing.

    right now update your software

    Posts: 24958

    I have checked with lowrance and they have no plans to release this for gen2 units. Disappointed.

    Posts: 655

    I have lowrance gen 2, wont help me. I PAID the $100 yearly for the online software of which was buggy and is not working properly now so its free, but no refund for the people that paid….

    Lowrance is still behind humminbird in this category…..

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 204

    this work with gen 2 touch? Just not other gen 2?

    Posts: 116

    I have lowrance gen 2, wont help me. I PAID the $100 yearly for the online software of which was buggy and is not working properly now so its free, but no refund for the people that paid….

    Lowrance is still behind humminbird in this category…..

    Not the same program its not Insight Genesis its called SonarCharts Live. Read the above details

    Posts: 116

    this work with gen 2 touch? Just not other gen 2?

    No as of right now, possibly in the future. I suspect they are supporting current platforms first and not 100% on Gen 2 yet

    Posts: 24958

    They told me they have no plans to support any gen2 models.

    Posts: 24958

    How long will it be before they drop the gen3 line?

    Drop the gen3 line? Typically Lowrance tends to support “2 generations”. Now that the Carbon line was released this year, the Gen3 is the second generation being supported, leaving the Gen2 stuff SOL. It seems a new generation comes out every year, but that doesn’t make them obsolete by any means, just that some of the latest and greatest functionality in the SW updates may not work.
    I have a couple HDS Gen1 models in use and they are still flawless. I just cannot do some of the new functions with them.
    They still are fantastic for GPS navigation and 2D sonar. Where the newest stuff is better at the Pinpoint Gateway and now the live mapping.

    Crappy Fisherman
    Posts: 333

    I understand that, I have a gen1 that I use on my atv and it works great. When they first came out Lowrance said they would always be upgradable with updates. As we found out this is not true. Don’t get me wrong I love the HDS line and Lowrance customer service has been more than fair with me. So maybe I should have said how long before they won’t have updates for the gen3.

    Posts: 592

    I was dissatisfied with Lorance after I had a graph go bad 2 times after it was mailed in, leaked when it got wet.
    Lorance would not repair the 3 RD time and offered a 300-400 in credit , don’t remember the exact amount, never used the credit.
    Switched to Humminbird, bought a new to me boat came with 10″ and 12″ HDS touch , kept a 1198 SI for mapping on top of dash.
    Just saw a YouTube on 3D mapping live for raymarine and Simrad
    WOW ! If it works as well as the video it will be the next thing for all manufactures to follow.

    I hate buying eletronics outdated before you plug them in.

    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 742

    Requires a Navionics mapping card with an active chart update subscription (Freshest Data).

    Anyone know what this subscription is? I assume there is an annual fee?

    MN - 55082
    Posts: 1644

    Freshest Data comes free with a new card purchase for one year. It is 50% off the new card price for a year renewal after that. Check out here:

    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 742

    I have been long waiting for this. I have messed around recording my sonar logs, then uploading them to the “GoFree” community and received the “map file” back, but obviously that takes time. Being able to see it real time like this is huge and long overdue IMO.

    Excited for this release.

    With the Insight Genesis, did you have the paid $99 subscription which included the hardness/vegetation? If so, did it seem pretty accurate? Looks like the Premium is free until June 30th.

    How long does it take to get maps back?

    I need to buy a map soon, just trying to decide on the Lake Insight with Genesis ($100) or Navionic + ($200).

    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 742

    On more questions on this:

    If you choose to do SonarChart Live and want to update your Navionics SonarChart data on card or mobile device app you have to connect affected Lowrance Units via Wi fi to Navionics Mobile app and do SonarChart Live in the mobile device, which is then uploaded to Navionics and processed into the community SonarChart layer. You then do a Freshest Data update to card or mobile device.

    I must be confused, I thought this was already updating the info on the card?

    SonarChart data is not recorded to the hard drive of the sonar, it is recorded to the Navionics card and Navionics card is required. (See below for required cards).

    When specifically do you need to hook up to a phone? You don’t need to hook up to a phone to update the maps live on the Lowrance unit, correct?

    Posts: 24958

    With the Insight Genesis, did you have the paid $99 subscription which included the hardness/vegetation? If so, did it seem pretty accurate? Looks like the Premium is free until June 30th.

    How long does it take to get maps back?

    I need to buy a map soon, just trying to decide on the Lake Insight with Genesis ($100) or Navionic + ($200).

    When I did it, I didn’t pay anything, which was 2 summers ago. There were (not sure if it changed) two options. A free membership and a paid membership. With the paid membership you get to keep the updates to yourself, with the free one it would become part of the “Community” so shared with anyone else that was out there or potentially updated on future chips. The free version only allowed you to “merge” up to like 12 “trips” per body of water. Obviously when logging sonar these files can get quite large, so you need to do several of them, merging them puts them all in one updated map file. I didn’t merge any of mine, I just sent the individual files and they uploaded it.

    This is where I went in and created an account:
    Not sure what is up when I try to post the URL, but its not work.

    Google “GoFree Marine Insight Genesis Social Map”

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