Henry Side Gate in 35 Rem. Is this new?

  • stillakid2
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I stumbled upon a curious find on gunbroker yesterday; I didn’t realize Henry had or is producing Big Boys in 35 Rem. Also noticed that they’re putting some fancy wood engraving on them compared to other Big Boys. Has anyone else seen these? They look incredible!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I couldn’t stay away, impulse got the better of me, and I’ve got one of these beauties coming my way.

    I have noticed the Big Boy models and the Side Gate models do have other differences, but that woodwork won me over. That’s gonna look good coming out of the case… wherever I take her!

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1892

    Enjoy! The 35 Rem is one of my favorite deer calibers. Got two marlin 336s chambered in them.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Enjoy! The 35 Rem is one of my favorite deer calibers. Got two marlin 336s chambered in them.

    Thanks! I’m actually thinking black bear, but who knows?
    I found a pair of 336s, a 336A and 336SC chambered in 35 Rem., for an uncle that was having difficulty locating one. He ended up taking both and told me I should look into one myself since our deer woods is so thick and brushy. Sure looks like a stout round! I found some Winchester Power Point in 200gr. Sure hope it shoots!

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