Help me find a place to take the wife and kids over Prez weekend…

  • crappieguy
    Posts: 163

    We’ve done Mille Lacs the last two years. The first year we did appledoorns off the east side, really really slow. Last year we did Red dDoor and did quite well throughout the night on rattles. Red Door is out this year because my wife wants something a little nicer, something with a bathroom. But I’m thinking maybe we don’t do Mille Lacs. I’d like somewhere where we can actually do some jigging and land some fish, and when I say that I mean out of our sleeper or pop some holes near the shack. The kids are 10 and 7 and I don’t have any equipment to really get us mobile. LOTW is just too far for this trip. Looking for some tips on places to try that are family friendly in this sense but catch fish.

    Wife doesn’t really fish, 7 year old thinks she does. 10 year old is really starting to get into it. Do I just do Mille Lacs again but maybe hit Lybacks or Macs, or try and find a sleeper somewhere else. Not opposed to crossing the border into WI either.

    Any thoughts would be great! We in the cities in regards to distance traveled.

    Posts: 163

    Uper Red lake has been going strong

    That’s what I’ve heard, but probably too far of a drive to convince the wife!

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Agate Bay Resort on ML. has a nice cabin that rents at a reasonable rate. Call Dean at (320) 684-2233 They also have daily fish house rentals, maybe you can work a deal?

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12976

    i’d say minnewaska by glenwood, but you’d have to research resorts that have overnite houses. we stayed in one 2 years in a row………..and lets just say it wasnt an overnite fishhouse per say!!!!!!!

    one year fishing was out of this world……….next year 4 people 1 fish!! tongue crazy doah

    Troy Hoernemann
    Nevis mn
    Posts: 163

    How far are you willing to travel and are you looking to pull your house out on the lake and stay overnight or at a resort sounds like you and your wife have a different opinion on a fishing trip LOL

    Posts: 163

    Very different, and I am houseless so I’m at the mercy of a rental.

    Put it this way, I learned real quick that one way for me to get in an extra fishing trip or two is if I bring along the whole family! The kids get some experience in and the wife kicks back, maybe xcountry skis or fishes a little.

    What about the Glacier rentals out of trappers on leach? 3.5 hours is about as far as I’d go with the fam, and last time I was there there was an ok day time and night time bite. Little more pricey

    The other option is to stick with Mille lacs and step up the ‘luxury’ factor in terms of the house. I’m just worried it won’t be like last year, everything I’m reading is saying being mobile is a must and I just don’t have the means to make that happen!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    I know Hunters Point has nice houses with bathroom facilities…. and they are biting !!

    Troy Hoernemann
    Nevis mn
    Posts: 163

    Trapper’s landing on leech is putting out a pretty sweet deal where you can their equipment and there is a lot of cross country skiing in the area the only problem is sometimes leech is hot and sometimes it’s really cold as far as fishing goes

    Troy Hoernemann
    Nevis mn
    Posts: 163

    Maybe you need to make a father-son fishing trip and let the wife stay at home and enjoy the peace and quiet may open up the doors for more opportunities and extra days of fishing

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    I know Hunters Point has nice houses with bathroom facilities…. and they are biting !!

    They do, and nice one’s. Macs Twin Bay, Appeldoorn’s also have nice houses with inside biffy’s. And the Wharf which has big ice cabins with all the comforts of home. Ask the wife as thoern75 suggests but as you may already know can be a fun family adventure out there with rattle lines down while you play family games, watch tv or a movie in the DVD player while still fishing.

    As you know it can be hit or miss no matter where you go. Mille Lacs is no different but if you saw the post on another thread here, if you hit…you can hit big. Bottom line though, with walleyes there will be less likely fast action.

    You might check with Hunter Winfields or Chapmans to find out if they have nice sleeper rentals in Isle Bay. Tim Chapman reported taking clients out and getting 40 sunfish as well as some crappies and a couple pike. Would certainly offer more daytime fish catching fun for you and the family.

    Pic from Chapman’s from yesterday…

    1. Chapmans.jpg

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Have you looked into renting a wheel house and taking it with you where ever you want to go?

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2843

    It’s a long haul but what about Springfield, MO? Bass Pro has their huge aquarium and wildlife museum there. It’s supposed to be awesome. Water park hotels etc there too.

    Posts: 163

    I think I am going to stick to mille lacs this year and try and book something another weekend for just my son and I.

    So I have it narrowed down to Macs Twin Bay, Wharf and Hunters Point.

    Wharf is fully loaded with a microwave and TV at $600, but I don’t know how often they move their houses.

    Wharf and Hunters have ceiling fans which I know my wife and kids would appreciate. They roasted on the top bunk at red door last year and we ended up putting mattresses on the floor

    Hunters doesn’t have the TV and microwave (they aren’t necessary to me but the kids would dig it), and are $650. Hunters does have a 4-man sleeper for $450, but with two little kids the extra room is nice.

    Macs doesn’t have a fan.

    Macs seem to move their houses the most? Does Hunters move them a lot as well?

    This is how far I take my research when trying to find a shack for the fam, it’s obscure!

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Just curious Crappieguy do you get a generator at those prices?

    Posts: 163

    Just curious Crappieguy do you get a generator at those prices?

    No you do not, I have one in the family I can borrow. Macs Twin says they have 12v batteries, not familiar with how those would power a TV though!

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Thanks, I didn’t think so. FYI, my 32″ Samsung is 12V.

    I was going to say if you have a generator just bring a fan. I use a 10″ box fan in my house. The temperature is even top to bottom. Good luck!

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    No you do not, I have one in the family I can borrow. Macs Twin says they have 12v batteries, not familiar with how those would power a TV though!

    The 12v works fine for the TV, unless you leave it on all night long. doah
    Regardless, they come out each day to swap out with a fresh battery and to empty the crapper…if needed?

    Not sure how much each resort moves houses. Typically they’ll setup closer and then push them out farther as the season progresses. I’m sure they don’t shuffle them around after each rental. Supposedly though they know right where to put them like an a specific structure, pile of rock, transition area. These outfits have been doing this for years. Hope for the best, but think about family time, games…activities.

    One nice thing about the resorts you are considering is the onsite restaurant. If it’s in your budget? When we have gone as a family, it was fun to take a break and get out of the fish house for a couple hours on Saturday early afternoon for lunch. Just nice while the daytime fishing was slower and was a treat.

    Posts: 163

    Ended up booking out of Macs Twin… cannot wait!

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