Help ice house camper door locks freeze up

  • Troy Hoernemann
    Nevis mn
    Posts: 163

    I have a camper door on my ice Castle door locks have been freezing up lately,has anyone haveing the same issue,is there anything you can put inside the mechanism to help this from not happening any suggestions welcome thanks

    North Metro
    Posts: 238

    Yea, google lock de-icer/lubricant. Most hardware/do it yourself stores carry.

    Alagnak Pete
    Posts: 362

    I took the inside cover off mine and filled it full of low temp tip up lube. Seems to have done the trick since then.

    Posts: 2823

    Try wd-40 or some other rust penatrent.It will absorb moisture and lubricate.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10996

    Hair dryer to get the moisture out.

    If the key won’t turn the lock, heat your key with a torch/lighter push the key in and let it sit for a couple seconds.

    Troy Hoernemann
    Nevis mn
    Posts: 163

    Its freezing on the deadbolt slide and latch mechanism slide

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10996

    There’s moisture from condensation in there, gotta get it out.

    Posts: 56

    I sprayed all mine with chain lube….. everything seems to be working well….but you have to re apply after a couple outings….WD-40 doesn’t work the best tried it and in extreme cold it freezes up too. Not strong enough. Buddy uses a fine artists brush and either does straight diesel fuel or diesel 911 the oily nature and the properties don’t freeze up in extreme temps and repels water….

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12792

    Yea, google lock de-icer/lubricant. Most hardware/do it yourself stores carry.

    to me that de-icer is nothing more then isopropyl acohol.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1352

    Funny this got brought up. I have had this issue for years on my hard house. What works for me is a torch connected to a 1 lb propane tank. Works wonders as long its in your truck and not locked in your fish house.

    Now the funny.. Saturday night I was pretty wore out and went to bed early, I was staying by myself. Had a couple buddies staying in their wheel houses nearby so I locked my door as to not be anyone’s pranks for the night. All was good till a 25″ hog caused the rattle reel to go off. Caught it, thought all was great! Realized I needed to take a leak and NOW! Lock was FROZEN!! Torch was in the truck.. Panicking, I finally pulled the minnow bucket out of my 5 gal. pale and relieved myself. Never thought I’d get locked in my own fish house..

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