Help! Damaged auger point!!

  • Phil Hudson
    Posts: 3

    So on the first hole drilled of a 3 day fishing trip this past weekend I hit bottom and damaged the point of my new strikemaster chipper mag. It chipped the edges and dulled the point to where I couldn’t drill a hole. Found a file and got it to so I could atleast fish. But it still isn’t right. Does anyone have any advise in salvaging this auger or am I SOL? Thanks in advance for your input!

    Posts: 169

    Just need a new power point. $13 at drock

    Phil Hudson
    Posts: 3

    Just need a new power point. $13 at drock

    I wish it was as easy as that. The point is welded to the shaft on this style of auger.

    Posts: 655

    Bring it to Drock, they will tell you what it needs.

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1074

    A new chipper auger bit is around $150. That is your worst case scenario. D rock might have one in stock. Or you can order one from

    Posts: 534

    I Have a strikemaster chipper from 1998. I sharpen it with some regularity. What I do is take the chipper blade off. Carefully sharpen the point to maintain all the original manufacturer angles. I typically use a 3″ x 4″ piece of MDF rapped with 400 grit emery paper. Depends how poorly it looks when I start, it can take 1/2 to sharpen the the point. Replicating the factory angles are crucial. Take your time.

    I then sharpen the chipper blade with the same care.

    Phil, where are you? I am in Crosslake if you are any where close. I will get you started.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    Odd. I have always sharpened the point with a large file thinking it wasnt critical and in all these years only have a problem when my blades are dull. I have sharpened my current blades for 14 years with a wet stone but just the other day order my first replacement set from Mills after it wouldnt cut last weekend.

    Phil Hudson
    Posts: 3

    Thanks for the replys guys. I ended up using a method similar to what djshannon discribed except a little more extreme. My point was pretty banged up (think boat motor prop that has hit a rocky bottom), so I wasn’t able to keep the factory edge and had to grind a fair amount off. I havnt had a chance to test it out yet though. Worst come to worst I’ll end up buying a new bit.

    Phil, where are you? I am in Crosslake if you are any where close. I will get you started.

    I am in east central SD but thanks for the offer!

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