help 1989 Mer 70hp 3cyl alarm problem

  • George Rotshtetter
    Posts: 10

    turn key without starting alarm start constant beeping same thing from cold start try both above with oil sensor disconnect same times i wiggle key stops the alarm is it posable the ignition switch is bad Thanks for any help

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6140

    This would be normal. Turn key to on position you should hear a constant beep until you turn the ignition over. (This is the test mode.)

    If the motor is running and you get a constant beep, this is the overheat alarm. Oil alarm is a beep-beep-beep.


    George Rotshtetter
    Posts: 10

    water coming out of pee hole could it be the sensor and how would i locate and test Thanks

    George Rotshtetter
    Posts: 10

    i found the sensor with single wire going to block held on with a nut dis connect did not stop buzzing is their more than one sensor Thanks

    Posts: 3919

    that motor only has two sensors, low oil and over temp sensor.
    if you unhooked both the oil sensor and the temp sensor my money is on the alarm driver module being bad which is a very common issue with those.

    central mn / starlake
    Posts: 496

    I have a 96 75hp 3cyl. I had to replace my alarm module. It’s located on the right side in the rear just under the power head.

    Posts: 3919

    If I remember right on that vintage of motor the alarm driver module is mounted just above where the motor is bolted to the exhaust housing on the starboard side.
    you will be able to identify it by the two blue wires, tan/black stripe wire from your over temp sensor, a red power wire, a black ground wire and I am really reaching here, I think a purple wire to the alarm under the dash or in your controller.
    its a little box about an inch and half square.

    to test it, unhook the two blue wires and the wire from your temp sensor and turn the key on, it should beep once for a self test.
    with the wires unhooked if it still beeps non stop the drive module is bad.
    if you find that its bad send me your serial number and I will look it up for you.

    Posts: 3919

    Mercury number is 14857A16.
    CDI electronics number is 144-4857-16
    available at marine

    George Rotshtetter
    Posts: 10

    Look up the part, price for it up here between 225.00- 250.00 dollars Canadian if order from usa with shipping exchane and duty around 200.00 SO today pick one up at boat wrecker for 50.00 dollars Canadian just installed it everything work ok no buzzing ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR HELP

    Des Moines, IA
    Posts: 134

    Iowaboy1 is “the man” when it comes to trouble shooting engines. He’s helped me out several times. I’m a novice at best and with his help have been able to fix things on my motor on my own. A true asset to this site.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22172

    Iowaboy1 is “the man” when it comes to trouble shooting engines. He’s helped me out several times. I’m a novice at best and with his help have been able to fix things on my motor on my own. A true asset to this site.

    X2,, Iowa boy is the man. He has also walked me through issues with my old erude motor. Very thankful to have him 1 call away. He is a great guy

    Posts: 1507

    X3 Iowa boy has helped me with maintenance issues and very helpful. I’m so thankful he is on the forums and so willing to help and the best part you can trust him he knows his stuff no want to be here he is the man!

    Posts: 1507

    Glad your up and running nothing more sad than staring at your boat wanting to go fishing

    Posts: 3919

    HOORAY !! ya done good man !!
    I am just a simple farm boy who was given a lot of talent by a really super Dad and I enjoy helping folks out.
    glad I can use those talents to help each and everyone of ya.

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