Helix5 maps/charts

  • hotr
    Posts: 8

    Hi guys i have a Helix5, its a Sonar-GPS, serial number 15052803-0051. I’m trying to find out if there are some sort of maps available that i can load to this thing through the SD card port, so i can use this as a GPS on land. My plans were to connect it to my snowmobile. Yes i know i can buy the proper GPS made for a snowmobile, but this thing fits perfectly on the dash, near my speedometer. If anyone knows the name of any maps/charts that’s compatible with this, please let me know
    Thanks so much for the help!

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1044

    I use the same map card that I use in the boat, or are you trying to use it just for snowmobile trails.

    Posts: 8

    Hi Tom, so you have the Helix 5 Sonar-GPS model? You said, ” same map card” i did not get any map card with mine. What is the name of the map card you have?

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1044

    Yes they don’t come with a map card.
    You can get navionics, lakemaster, and I believe c-map.
    If you have a map card in your boat you can just move it to your snowmobile. You can also transfer waypoints from one unit to the other.

    Posts: 8

    I have a navionics card here but when i put it in the unit nothing happens. Should anything pop up on the screen?

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1044

    Go to the menu and find the mapping options.
    The best way to figure it out is to go on you tube and search for it. How to configure mapping.

    Posts: 81

    If you are looking for snowmobile specific trails that will display on the Helix, such a card does not exist.

    If you are looking for HD lake fishing maps and basic road map, yes the Lakemaster card for your area will work.

    Posts: 8

    Hi Tom I understand there isn’t a card with trails, and thanks for the info, I will have a look at the info you provide. Thanks so much!

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