I have a helix 5, garmin 73cv, oddly I really want a vexilar. No real reason, anything I am missing by not having one?

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I have a helix 5, garmin 73cv, oddly I really want a vexilar. No real reason, anything I am missing by not having one?
I have a helix 9, hbird 35, lx7, but sometimes the lx3 is what I prefer to fish with, different tools for different applications!
If you want just a fishing machine that will last forever they are great. Also with vexilar if you buy one you can get it so that you can add some nice options including a super GLOW RING for lighting up baits.
Compared to my Helix it is nicer in that there is no delay in finding depth and you can run on a lithium battery for ever! Before charging. If you have the means give one a shot. I would suggest going with at least an FL20 as that is when you start to get the better display and it has the zoom.
Thanks was deciding between flx 20 and 28, can the 12 degree fish 60-70 feet? Thank you
I have the flx 12 and 28. The 12 has no zoom. I prefer it in 20ft and under. But it does fine in 30.
I do not fish 60 so I can’t say. Many times I grab the 12 over the 28 just because I like how simple it is
I run a 93 Garmin for my livescope, Use that to locate the schools, then hop around with the FL28. I also prefer the vex for shallow water.
Do you have children? If so, buy the vexilar and the other 2 are for the kids, or fishing buddies, or nieces and nephews lol. I own 3 different flasher brands, picked up 2 in the hopes that my boys will join me when they are old enough.
Flx 28 on the way. At the end of the day having 3 units work, I do have kids and also take friends and it is much more fun with a fish finder.
It is not even a question if you got kids and friends. 100 percent way better fishing with some kind of electronic than staring at hole.
Thing will probably be past down to your great grand kids.
Before I inbox the garmin 73cv does it lad or provide a lesser sonar experience than the helix? Reading mixed reviews. Appreciate it
im kind of in the same boat at the moment. Im deciding if i want to go with a garmin 73cv ice bundle or a Vex either FLX-20 or 28. Any feedback from those that use them?
Pros of garmin
built in maps
livescope compatible
has more features
pros of vexilar
sometimes simple is better. its more simple to use
better battery life
more durable. as mentioned i can probably pass one of these units down to my grandkids
If the prices ever come down i think i would entertain getting livescope but i do already have a 93SV in the boat i could use.
I feel like the garmin is the obvious choice but i feel drawn to the vexilar for its simplicity and longevity. For those of you who have used both an FLX-20 and 28 do you have a preference? I mainly fish in 15-35′ of water and almost target crappies and walleye exclusively in the winter
I’ve owned and used the crap out of almost every Vexilar model they’ve ever had. By far my favorite is the FLX-30. I owned a FL-20 and an FLX-28. I have not owned the FLX-20 though. Personally, the jump from the FLX-28 to the 30 was totally worth it. I can’t remember the differences between the FLX-20 and 28 but if those differences don’t matter to you, I’d go with the 20. If you want one that is more versatile, definitely go with the 30.
The one thing I don’t like about the 28 is the proview ducer. I think it was one thing that was really underwhelming. They sort of promised a variable angle cone but I’m really not buying that. The 7 cone ducer on the 30 comes in handy for someone like me who genuinely uses it anywhere from 5-250’ of water.
I will say that having low power mode for shallow or weedy conditions really does come in handy. I often use low power mode for 15’ or less.
One cool thing about the 30 is that it has a 6’, 12’ and 18’ zoom windows where the others only have a 6’ and 12’.
The Vex is like the old trusty hammer on my tool bench next to 2 or 3 others.
There is a newer framing hammer, a newer somewhat multi purpose hammer, then the ancient one that the grip just about molds to my hand. It’s not lighter or more expensive than the others – but I probably use it the most. It’s been thrown, used to break up pavers, dropped off equipment and roofs, left outside for dead at jobs, and so on but keeps finding its way back.
I’ve got Helix 9s in my boat and have an ice setup for one that I went through the work and cost of assembling but rarely use it. I still only bring that on big trips or more destination type outings (URL, LOTW) due to size and battery life. I rock a Vexilar for probably 85% of my ice fishing outings. The one I have is a bare bones FLX 12. You get the upgraded screen with that model, it is cheap, extremely durable, and works perfect for anything under 20′. Once you go above 20′ without the zoom you definitely lose something, but I rarely fish deeper than 15-16′ of water and catch plenty of jumbo perch, eyes, saugers, and crappies on the river.
I think it depends also on what you use currently. Since you have a garmin unit you can look on the same maps on your phone. Thats how I normally run is mapping on my phone and I have two marcums. The garmin ice fishing kit is pretty expensive honestly for what you get. I personally would grab a vex and just use your phone for maps. Unless like you said you plan to upgrade to livescope. There could be some crazy black friday deals this year on the older transducer so it might make more sense.
I’m just like ekruger in that I use my 93sv Livescope for its map function and to find the schools of fish. When in the shack it’s nice to be able to look out 100’ feet around you to see what is there. I also take along my old marcum flasher unit (20ys old) and like the Marcum when jigging right below me for pinpointing depth of fish and lures. If my old Marcum unit ever bites the dust I think I would invest in another flasher unit. I like having both along
Like Buckybadger said the cellar is tried and true, I have a couple 73cv’s are great but my vexilars are my go to, throw a small lithium battery in them and fish the weekend, verses 8-10 hours with the Garmin with the same battery. I have a couple of flx20’s and a fl8 that I cant see myself ever getting rid of.
I ended up buying a vexilar FLX-20 and adding the optional glow cup. I wanted the simplicity, battery life and quick setup. Other factors were I got 21% off the order and with vexilar being recently bought out I figured I wanted to get a unit before the new company cuts costs and turns the product into crap
I ended up buying a vexilar FLX-20 and adding the optional glow cup. I wanted the simplicity, battery life and quick setup. Other factors were I got 21% off the order and with vexilar being recently bought out I figured I wanted to get a unit before the new company cuts costs and turns the product into crap
How did you manage the 21% off?
How did you manage the 21% off?
I bought some gift cards on raise.com which netted me 6% off, my card gets me 5% off sporting goods store purchases and when I put the item in my cart at sportsmens warehouse they sent me an email with a code for 10% off my next purchase. Worked out well.
Check out raise.com. currently they have cards giving you 11% off BPS. I would have jumped on those but for some reason BPS has every vexilar but the one I wanted – FLX-20 pro pack
I ended up buying a vexilar FLX-20 and adding the optional glow cup. I wanted the simplicity, battery life and quick setup. Other factors were I got 21% off the order and with vexilar being recently bought out I figured I wanted to get a unit before the new company cuts costs and turns the product into crap
FLX-20 is a good bang for your buck flasher. Good choice and happy fishing!
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