Helix 7 Terrova compatability

  • Billy Herron
    Posts: 13

    I have a Helix 7 mega di gps g3n paired to a terrova with built in mega ducer both purchased last feb. The Helix always has interference when the terrova is running, are these two not designed to work together ? They are both owned by johnson outdoors and i thought would be able to work together. I have already went thru the garmin terrova ordeal not working together now the helix and terrova dont seem to like each other. Have tried to adjust sen and con to get the screen clear to no avail. Is this something we just have to live with ?

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    First where are you getting power for your Helix? Every trolling motor I have put on my boat I run a ground wire from the trolling motor skeg to a ground from my starting battery. I have never had any interference.

    Billy Herron
    Posts: 13

    will have to check power source dealer installed, my terrova has all the wires in the shaft, i hope i dont have to run external wires i dont think that will work with the motor sometimes turning over 360 degrees on spotlock i sure am glad it can be fixed its a real pain, now for hunting the grimlin

    Victoria, mn
    Posts: 820

    First where are you getting power for your Helix? Every trolling motor I have put on my boat I run a ground wire from the trolling motor skeg to a ground from my starting battery. I have never had any interference.

    And I have NEVER done that and NEVER had interference. Just keep the sonar wiring and the TM wiring isolated from each other.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Tom P. wrote:</div>
    First where are you getting power for your Helix? Every trolling motor I have put on my boat I run a ground wire from the trolling motor skeg to a ground from my starting battery. I have never had any interference.

    And I have NEVER done that and NEVER had interference. Just keep the sonar wiring and the TM wiring isolated from each other.

    Running the ground wire has cured many interference problems others have had each situation can be different.

    Billy Herron
    Posts: 13

    Well here I go hunting that gremlin, on the Terrova running an external ground wire is out. It will rip it loose, I ran temporary power from engine battery to helix and disconnected main power from battery chargers. I have a two bank charger in the front to charge the 24 volt Terrova batteries and a single bank in the back to charge cranking battery. When I start trolling motor I have interference continuous until I let the button on the foot pedal go. Same thing from remote starting motor. I have interference at every speed except 10 full power. It is defiantly coming from the trolling motor. The 2 batteries in the front only power the Terrova. I can pull two wire off the helix and leave only the power wire and still have interference. Seems like it has to be in the power circuit. Tomorrow I will remove charger wires from trolling motor and starting motor battery and try it again. I already checked the fuse in the Terrova head with ohm meter its is good. Power wires for helix and Terrova are separated. This is starting to get time consuming but it is what it is and has to be corrected. Thanks for replies will post back after pulling charger wires.

    Billy Herron
    Posts: 13

    Well after running temporary ground and power wire from every entity possible the only thing left I had not done was to update to 2.280 software and low and behold after 8 more hours labor it was a software problem. Interference is gone, thank goodness, Im tired of fixing Johnsons outdoors computer problems. Thank you all for your help this forum rocks and seems like the place for serious tech support. Im glad I found this one. Billy

    Billy Herron
    Posts: 13

    Update ! the interference is BACK ! now only when the prop is turning in the water and not on the trailer. After the software update to 2.280 it seemed to get worse, It now blocks out the whole screen. I drilled a hole in the foot fin and ran the ground wire from the foot bolt I installed to starting battery ground which done nothing. This thing is starting to get to be a pita. I finally found an angler that told me to unplug the ducer and see if it is a EMI problem or a power wire problem. Going back to the lake and tare the boat apart again and pull every wire out and lay them on the deck to separate every piece to see if that will stop it. I have no idea why it want show interference on the trailer now when prop is turning. I am missing something.

    Billy Herron
    Posts: 13

    FYI, as per Minn Kota all 24 volt and 36 volt terrova motors made after 2013 already have a ground wire connected inside the foot up thru the shaft thru a 3 amp fuse and to the battery ground. It is for interference issues. The hole I drilled in the foot as per hummingbird instructions was a waist of time. I would not suggest calling bird or kota for tech support.

    Billy Herron
    Posts: 13

    Update ! Pulled all helix and Terrova wiring back out of boat. The I pilot to helix wiring was coiled up under the front deck right beside the Ethernet wire that was coiled up. I separated the two coils of wire and interference cleared up. I used wire ties to keep the two coils of wire separated from each other and bingo problem solved. I will guess this was the EMI type of interference. That’s a new one on me but at least its fixed.

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