Helix 5 anyone use one for ice fishing?

  • archerj
    Posts: 51

    wondering how they work in the cold?

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    I used mine last year with no problems. They just suck when you’re next to another flasher if you’re on 200khz.

    Posts: 51

    what was the coldest you think you used it? I think I’ll mainly use it for runnin and hole hopping with the gps, I have a marcum flasher, so not sure I’ll even use the sonar portion of it, just was curious if I attach to the snomobile if the cold will allow the screen to update fast enough on the maps while moving.

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    I would say 10 degrees but mine is just sonar no gps. I’m sure you’ll be fine. Maybe you should ask humminbird these questions as I don’t think many have actually used a helix on ice yet.

    Jake Hendrickson
    Madison, WI
    Posts: 209

    not to switch topics of this thread, but i also have a helix 5, and want to bring it with me on the ice for GPS purposes only. Whenever I dont have the transducer plugged in and turn it on, it goes straight to simulation mode, is there a button I need to push to get it out of sim mode so I can use the GPS?

    shon wilson
    Posts: 1

    Press the power button. When the humminbird screens comes up press the menu button. Three options will be available, normal, simulator and system status. Select normal and the GPS will work. You have about two seconds to press the menu button. If you’re too slow power off and start over. I think it should work in the cold as its being offered in a ice fishing package. I have mine mounted to my atv and plan to just use the GPS to find and Mark spots.

    Jake Hendrickson
    Madison, WI
    Posts: 209

    thanks Shon, i knew it was probably something simple like that!

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    Turn the sonar off in the menu. That’s what I do for one of my birds I use in my boat for just gps.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 21

    How do I speed up my flasher mode? It seems a little delayed from my vexilar and I’m defiantly not used to it. I think I have my speed on ultra, but if anyone has suggestions I’ll take them. I do have the XI 9-20 transducer.

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