I’m buying a new Helix 10 SI g2n. I plan to mount it at the counsel and network it with my old 858 which I will mount at the bow. My question is where do I want the GPS puck for the Helix 10? At the transom near the transducer? I am hoping to use the SI to locate stumps, rocks, etc. and drop a way point on them. Then, move to the bow and approach that waypoint with the bow trolling motor. But, if I’m looking at my bow unit map won’t I be “off” the waypoint by the distance from the bow to where ever the puck is located? Maybe I’m over thinking this.
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Helix 10 SI g2n – GPS Puck Location
Posts: 1806February 2, 2017 at 12:55 pm #1670741I see that the receiver has an accuracy of 2.5 meters (about 8ft), so I think you may be over thinking this. I’d put more thought into how far you have to run cords and putting it somewhere free of obstruction and possible damage.
February 2, 2017 at 4:13 pm #1670812Back of the boat nearest the transducer. Keep that margin of error as small as possible.
My console graph is 10′ from ducer. With an accuracy of 8′, I could be 18′ away from a waypoint assuming perfect reception.
Doesn’t matter where you’re sitting in the boat if both units are networked and using the GPS puck. The puck is what is on the way point. Your TM ducer will be off by the length of the boat+8′. Unless you run a GPS puck at the bow or I pilot link.
The biggest thing is to waypoint fish/structure as humanly possible to where they actually are. Keeping GPS and ducer as close as possible achieves this.
Personally, since I believe the 858 has an internal GPS, I would only share way points between the two units. That way you can be accurate at both front and back.
February 2, 2017 at 5:11 pm #1670829I agree with everything Gixxer said, keep those errors as small as possible. The biggest thing is if you are looking for that “spot on the spot” don’t rely on a location given to you by your side imaging. Use the side imaging to find those potential locations, then use your standard graph to pinpoint that location. Will you ever locate and place a waypoint on that exact pebble you saw, with an 8ft projected error and other variables, probably not, but you can get close enough for what you are likely trying to do.
February 6, 2017 at 6:10 pm #1671794A puck for the Helix? I thought it was an internal receiver?
You can purchase and install an external puck if you like. Especially useful if the unit is mounted in dash or covered where it won’t get good reception.
February 7, 2017 at 12:31 pm #1671990Munchy is right. The Helix does have internal GPS receiver but you can choose to use an external puck instead. That’s part of what I’m trying to figure out…..if I get the external puck and then where do I mount it. I understand what gixxer is saying. I think I’ll install an external puck at the transom on the same side as the Helix transducer. Then, I’ll network my old 858 with the Helix and share waypoints between the two. I’ll probably also have to hire an IT technician to come with me while I fish just to make sure the system and networks are all working
February 7, 2017 at 2:30 pm #1672030I have an 1199 and helix 12. Both internal gps are better than external, and for a while I had my external hooked to my 1199 after removing my 898.
Puck is still on my boat but inactive.
Mine is mounted darn near above the transom… Now since I run off internals, they’re 8’+ away..That loss in accuracy is no biggie!!!!
February 7, 2017 at 2:36 pm #1672034I guess I cannot comment on GPS for the smaller helix units. I know there’s no comparison from the 7 or smaller units to the 12’s
February 8, 2017 at 9:48 am #1672292Thanks for all the great replies and input.
Does anyone have experience with networking a Helix with a 858 or similar series? I contacted Humminbird and they said it’s possible. The biggest reason I want to network is so I can mark a waypoint on my Helix at the counsel and it will share it on my 858 at the bow. I’m wondering if I need a networking hub or if I can just direct connect the units with an ethernet cable. I want to connect my Minnkota iPilot to my Helix too. Not sure if the Helix has multiple ethernet connections or if I need the hub.
February 8, 2017 at 11:38 am #1672354Yes I have my Helix 10 networked with my 999. It was very easy. Just need the correct cables and adaptors.
I believe there is a table somewhere listing the cables and adaptors needed for hookup between specific units.
I’ll dig up what I have when I get home.
February 8, 2017 at 11:47 am #1672355Yes two units can be hooked together, to incorporate a 3rd you need the Ethernet module.
Your helix 10 I believe has chirp… You cannot share chirp with non-chirp units.
GPS and SI you can though, as long as each unit has GPS and SI capability already
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