Helix 10 not shutting down.

  • tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    My HB will power up but not power down-I have to shut the master power off to shut it down-not good-Ideas?

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    What happens when you hold the power button down for a few seconds? Any messages come up on the screen?

    Posts: 168

    In case you are a fairly new owner of the humminbird. Superdave has steered you right. The power button must be depressed until shut off message comes up on screen.

    I believe they designed it this way to prevent unintended shut downs.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    I could depress the button for a full minute and nothing would happen

    Posts: 5307

    I could depress the button for a full minute and nothing would happen

    Sometimes life has a way of telling you to just keep fishing toast

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    I will be calling HB (not easy because they are only open something like 9-5 m-f)will probably have tto send it in at the end of the season. Still hoping someone on this forum has an idea.

    Posts: 6631

    What happens when you just tap the button for a quarter second?

    Does a menu pop up to change the backlight, etc?

    Is it a new problem?

    Have you updated the unit?

    Even if it’s a new problem on the same version of software, bugs can pop up on their own.

    Don’t bother calling HB if your unit isn’t running the latest version. That’s what they’ll have you do first no matter what.

    The button physically works (since you can power it on), so it’s definitely a software issue and should be an easy fix on your own.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    A quick tp or long hold does nothing. Have kept up with software updates including the latest done a few weeks ago. Called costomer service, think I will be sending it in. Thanks B, and everyone else

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    Good news-they are sending a new G3 (upgrade from G2) and they did it pretty quickly. Anyone know how G3 is better than G2?

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