Heddon Zara-Spook – Age and rough value

  • Harald Nieman
    Posts: 6

    Hey all,

    I have a whole bunch of vintage lures from my grandfather and great grandfather and have been able to easily ID most of them, but this one eludes me. It may be valuable, or just an old lure. I’m reaching out for your help on this. Just an FYI, I am not selling this or the other lures. Most of them are already in a shadow box display. I’m curious about this oddball one to see if it is worth displaying or not.

    1. IMG_4731-scaled.jpg

    2. IMG_4730-scaled.jpg

    3. IMG_4729-scaled.jpg

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3171

    Alot depends on the condition/hooks of the lures. They seem to be fair shape and the boxes as well which is a strong plus for overall value. Of the 3 shown I think the one in the upper right photo with the scale finish, no glitter, has the best value.

    There were actually a couple different sources for the Spooks over the years and depending on where the lure was actually made can be a large determining factor in the collector’s valuation. Newer Spooks generally run from 10 to 20 dollars. Those of the first order can fetch from $150 to $200.

    “Fishing Lure Collectibles” by Dudley Murphy and Deanie Murphy is the source of my info and is a super good book for identifying current and unusual pieces along with fairly current collector values.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3171

    In looking at the book further, that one with the scale pattern may well be one of the first Spooks Heddon did as an experimental bait. Does your bait have a gold eye? If it does, it could be one of the earliest models Heddon was playing with design-wise.

    Harald Nieman
    Posts: 6

    It does have gold eyes, and as an FYI, it’s the same lure in all three pictures, just different sides of it. I’m not sure if it adds any info, but here’s a picture of the bottom of the box.

    1. IMG_4736-scaled.jpg

    Harald Nieman
    Posts: 6

    It does have gold eyes, and as an FYI, it’s the same lure in all three pictures, just different sides of it. I’m not sure if it adds any info, but here’s a picture of the bottom of the box.

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