Thanks sticker…
People sell stuff for MANY reasons and sometimes, TIME is a major factor. Case in point, my last item on CL… chest freezer, about 4 years old, 14.8 cubic foot. Ad says first $50 and able bodied person to help load it out of my walkout basement owns it. After MANY emails answering stupid questions, finally hook up with a guy who evidently was picking it up for his daughter who emailed me. He was coming from about an hour away… told him I would hold it for him… he showed up. He was an elderly gentlemen… we carried the freezer out, taking a couple breaks. Now this is where it gets good. It’s in his pick-up, its strapped down and he says “will you take $40 for it?”
obviously this guy does not buy stuff on-line very often… I pictured him carrying it back down for $10 and said, naw, I gotta have the $50. Now the funny part is, if we were in the basement and he said, “would you take $25″… I would have, it HAS TO GO !!! I almost wanted to tell him how to negotiate in the future, but didn’t want to embarrass him either. SO GLAD to be done with CL. Aloha !