
  • Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    I have in the last month, had no less than 8 good people who I had good conversations with… who were “on their way” to pick my stuff up I was selling… tongue the guy that actually shows up with cash, is worth 2 on the way. Sucks, but it’s reality with internet purchases.

    Not just internet purchases…same pattern years ago when placing ads in the classifieds of the newspaper. Same thing, people would call and say they’re on there way and no show. And that’s how it can happen.

    And this kinda says it all too.

    Total bummer but no one is going to turn down a sale for a potential sale.

    Seems like a polarizing topic here amongst those commenting. But as a seller there can be equal “shafting” from buyers as well…not saying that’s what happened here.

    Always easy to say I’ll buy it until it comes time to show up with the money and pay and take it away.

    And how does a seller even know how popular the selling item is? Turn down a buyer and could be some time before the next person shows up with $$, and more likely less $.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Does every post need to have a disclaimer on it that states there’s alot worse circumstances in life than what’s being posted?

    I get it though wave

    I know where you’re at Nick. No need to apologize…not that you were.

    Referring to this though….

    Glad to hear that parents and kids are all okay. That would have been the real heartbreaker if there was an accident or cancer or death.

    How would one know if by chance someone might have a relative that just recently died? Or perhaps a close loved one has been diagnosed with cancer…parent, child?

    Or possibly other personal setbacks?

    Suppose someone is in the “dark valley” and is just looking or hoping for something positive?

    Sometimes we all look for these “small” things to give a little promise that we need to keep living and wishing. That one needs to have something to look forward to, and hope for…for without hope? Life and living is lost.

    Seemingly the smallest things can add up to our greatest joys.

    Your children start out small…and then?

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    That’s the shits man. Happened to me once when I was going to buy a tractor. I feel for you. But, another boat will come avaliable. No doubts.

    Twins Guy
    Posts: 114

    That’s a total d-bag move-sorry nhamm. I hope you got a chance to give him an earful or told him how much money he left on the table so he could share in the suffering. Or at least kept his addresses for a future prank. But I commend you if you took the moral high road. If the guy had this much class you never know what skeletons there may have been in this boat’s closet-perhaps this is a blessing in disguise.

    Posts: 7348

    Upo. Further review and a few cocktails it’s life, and life has a way of letting ya know what ya got. My boat is bruised and battered, but she’s beautiful and will come back to life and will be better than evern. Kept a hunk of the POS cottonwood that Kung fud it to carve into trophy. F the tree and F CL, we move on!!

    1. IMG_20180706_174116179_HDR.jpg

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    F the tree and F CL, we move on!!

    Cottonwoods are useless. Fouling up lines and now outright attaching our boats? I CALL FOR THE ABOLITION OF COTTONWOOD TREES! Etc etc common man schpiel

    Twins Guy
    Posts: 114

    I say carve the cottonwood into a giant middle finger and deliver it to the dbag who sold the boat out from under you devil

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    This has happened to me 3 times in a row when I was trying to buy a boat. flame It sucks but at least you got the call. (one of the 3 didn’t call and I was pounding on his door) I was upset when it happened to me but people do a lot of talk and don’t always follow through. If someone is there with the money they get the item. (c-list 101) In the end it worked out better because I was able to find a better boat than those other 3 and still have it today. Just hope this is not the first of your three.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Mr. Hamm
    Was thinking of you this morning. I’m selling off a huge lot of my sale samples, and thought I would share a VERY fresh open wound with you.

    Talked with a buyer a few times and emailed him an inventory list. Talked some more and went over the price again. He said he wanted it all and would be here by 9am this morning.

    Meanwhile, a previous buyer I had talked with shown up late last night unannounced. I told him it was all sold and the guy was picking it all up in the morning. I did have a bad attitude since this bonehead was already a no-show, then comes unannounced. Needless to say, he left all pizzed off and cussing me out as he got into his truck and left.

    I finally got a hold of the buyer that was going to be here at 9:00am. Basically the conversation went as “Quit calling and texting me. Changed my mind”. That was at 11:20am.

    Called the other buyer back that shown up unannounced and told him that the buyer was a no-show and the boxes of clothing were still available. He started laughing and told me too F’n bad. He already drove almost 2 hours up here and I screwed him and he wasn’t driving back.

    So the buyer that was so sure he wanted it and I invested all the time into screwed me and I lost a buyer the night before because I honor my word. You have no idea on how much I wish I took the guys money last night so I could be done with this.

    All I’m trying to do is get my money back for a a bunch of sales samples. Not like I’m making money on any of this. Since Feb I’ve had so many A-holes waste my time on no shows, low ball offers,…..I’m really at a point of not caring anymore and feel compelled to be just like the buyer that you delt with. First come-first serve. Not my problem that someone has 15 minute or 3 hours of drivetime. They want an item held, they can gift me a non-refundable deposit on paypal flame

    Posts: 7348

    It sucks sales have come to this.

    I for one will not let instances like this affect my honoring future transactions. Kudos to all who still hold true after such instances which I have very few thankfully.

    Posts: 1806

    Wow, after reading all of these stories I feel even more thankful (and lucky) that the guy who I bought my boat from trusted my word and held the boat for me for a couple of days so I could pick it up, which he turned down multiple people during that time. It probably helped that I had met him in person, looked at the boat, and had a good conversation with him and reassured him that I would honor my commitment to buy the boat but couldn’t tow it back with my that day. I too would have been very disappointed and upset had he sold it to someone else. In the half dozen sales and purchases that I’ve done through CL, I’ve never had a bad experience of getting an item sold from under me or no-shows. I’ll consider myself lucky.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Sorry this happened. We still hold boats till the person comes, but you would not believe how many people say they are coming and dont. Not even a text or a call that they changed their mind or anything…

    People will be people I guess…….

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Dean, I forgot. I won’t be coming last night. toast

    It’s the cost of doing business. Nothing has changed. Is it right? Depends on your definition of right I ‘spose.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4329

    I’ve bought and sold stuff on CL and IDO. Never had any bad experiences until recently. Bought a used HB that would match up with what I have on my boat. Texted and talked on the phone. Seemed legit. Told me the reason he was selling all 3 units is a buddy is hooked up with Lowrance and updating and he was getting his old units that are bigger screens. Met in person and powered up the unit in a parking lot. Seemed ok and to let him know if something is wrong. Well only the left side of SI works when I got it hooked up the next day. flame Called, texted, called some more DB won’t respond. Live and learn. Next time I will get his license plate number and find where he lives and show up at his door. Let his wife and kids know what a BIG DI!/head he is. devil

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Seems to be a recurring theme……….buyer beware…….seller beware.

    Where have the values gone in the country? I hate to sound really,really old but back in the day a mans word was worth something. sad

    Posts: 224

    Here is the flip side of this equation. I had a $500 used trolling motor for sale on a popular “list” if you get my drift. I had 3 different guys play me on the phone over a four day period. They all told me they would be there at a set time. They never showed up. They were just messing with me. This is not uncommon. Some folks get their kicks doing this.
    I am sure you were a legit purchaser and this was a crappy move but not everyone is a good guy.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    In that case all the sellers have to do is pin the person down to a arrival time that day and let them know you will hold for them ONLY until that time. After that money talks. Those have to be same day appointments, none of this i’ll be there Thursday hold it for me.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    Seems to be a recurring theme……….buyer beware…….seller beware.

    Where have the values gone in the country? I hate to sound really,really old but back in the day a mans word was worth something. sad

    People have always, and will always, be total jerk stores.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    This happened to my dad back in the early 90’s, remember it crystal clear. We drove 4 hours to pick up a ’76 Trans Am and when we got there the guy had just sold it to someone else.

    Then we went and got a root beer and we both got over it jester

    People have always, and will always, be total jerk stores.

    Present day me wonders how it’s even possible that this guy could’ve been such a jerk-wad at that time in history. You know, before “moral decay” was so widespread and all.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    Ah…Clist. Many problems can be avoided. Did the OP ever ask, “will u hold this for me, I’m on my way up?” Guessing no. If the seller said yes, he should have called u. If someone won’t hold an item and I’m driving more than 30 minutes to pick up, I won’t risk it and I’ll tell the seller that so they may lose a sale.

    If you are the seller, I always tell the people just to call me when you are 30 minutes out from our meeting place…which is always the Fire station a few blocks away. If they call, that gives me the time needed to get there if I have plans elsewhere…cause I’ll never cancel plans for a clist sale.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Moral decay… funny that is mentioned. So my wife watches the bachelor and since we are moving and down to 1 TV left, guess what I got to watch too. Last night one guy was scared to death to tell the girl that he was a 26 year old virgin, like it was terrible and he had a disease… he told her and she “needed a minute” to digest this… really ??? The other guys are like, that’s huge, she is gonna send him home….If you haven’t had sex before marriage, there must be something wrong with you..? Not saying unwed sex is terrible (it was a few decades ago), but is not having sex by 26 terrible today ??? Again, times change… I guess. Maybe the morals have always been messed up in some people, c list and the likes just brings all the A hoes out maybe and exposes them more. BTW 2 people coming to buy my chest freezer yesterday… still in the basement at 0’f. doah

    Posts: 1806

    Moral decay… funny that is mentioned. So my wife watches the bachelor and since we are moving and down to 1 TV left, guess what I got to watch too. Last night one guy was scared to death to tell the girl that he was a 26 year old virgin, like it was terrible and he had a disease… he told her and she “needed a minute” to digest this… really ??? The other guys are like, that’s huge, she is gonna send him home….If you haven’t had sex before marriage, there must be something wrong with you..? Not saying unwed sex is terrible (it was a few decades ago), but is not having sex by 26 terrible today ??? Again, times change… I guess. Maybe the morals have always been messed up in some people, c list and the likes just brings all the A hoes out maybe and exposes them more. BTW 2 people coming to buy my chest freezer yesterday… still in the basement at 0’f. doah

    Did he get a rose???

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Nice cover Big G…we were down to one tv so I had to watch jester rotflol

    My wife was watching that garbage last night too, I went to the pole barn and changed my oil..just sayin.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    we are, sold the other one and almost everything I owned.. including the boat so… a little compassion. crazy

    garage is empty, no oil. nothing. kinda weird around here.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    As one who has been burned a few times, by buyers who said they were coming, and never showed, and never called to let me know they weren’t showing, it would be foolish to turn down a sale in hand. I’ve had to call back buyers that I have turned down to let them know the first buyer fell through, and that never goes well. If they don’t hang up on you, they now want a reduced price as they know you are desperate. Never again. I will say though, that if selling to someone that I don’t know, I will always let them know upfront that the sale goes to the first person with the money. I would also make every effort to notify anyone that said they were on their way, that it had been sold.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    sold the other one and almost everything I owned.. including the boat so…

    are they putting you in a home? why are you selling everything? just curious

    Posts: 1277

    As a person that has bought and sold on C-list many times, i have only had one unpleasant deal…. a fellow inquired about a fishhouse i was selling – and said he would take it. He asked if i would hold it for 4-5 days until he could get there. I told him in in no uncertain terms that i would sell to the first person that showed up with cash. I also told him i would hold the unit for anybodies commute time……if someone leaves there home and lets me know they are on their way, i would gladly hold until the drive time has elapsed…. i thought that was fair. After 4 days, he called me and told me he was leaving shortly….I informed him that i had sold the house. He then called me every name in the book and let me know i was thw biggest A-hole he ever dealt with.

    My policy has always been first cash takes it – with the holding of an item only happening with personal contact upon departure – and holding it only for the commute time. Seems fair to me.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    sold the other one and almost everything I owned.. including the boat so…

    are they putting you in a home? why are you selling everything? just curious

    Yes, a home in Maui.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    sold the other one and almost everything I owned.. including the boat so…

    are they putting you in a home? why are you selling everything? just curious

    Yes, a home in Maui.

    WOW! that sound amazing. im jealous. Enjoy the new location

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