Heading up to Rainy tomorrow (7/31)

  • bigstorm
    Southern WI
    Posts: 1522

    Heading out tomorrow night, should be on the water Saturday morning, any recent reports? Looking at the weather, Im guessing Saturday and Sunday will be the toughest days for fishing for the week

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 740

    Just got home, up since Sunday.
    We had Heavy NW winds Sunday to Tuesday, meaning no fishing the east end off shore reefs. Got fish on island structure 24-27, leeches and crawlers worked equal. Wednesday it was calm and hit off shore with success. LOTS of boats on all the reefs that day. We were camped at Kempton East and fished from Saginaw to the reefs around Blueberry. Seems to be a good amount of 21/22” fish around, close to every third one we caught were in that range.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1522

    Thanks for the info! I will post a report when I get back

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