Headin to rainy fir morning.

  • bruce anderson
    Posts: 63

    Just wondering if the walleyes are still on main lake humps? We are heading up Friday mourning, and camping for the first time. Hope the tent doesn’t leak. Gona try east of brûlé narrows. Haven’t fished that side much. any spots that are better than most? Any help would be appreciated.thanks

    Wayne Daul
    Green Bay, Wi
    Posts: 348

    Just wondering if the walleyes are still on main lake humps? We are heading up Friday mourning, and camping for the first time. Hope the tent doesn’t leak. Gona try east of brûlé narrows. Haven’t fished that side much. any spots that are better than most? Any help would be appreciated.thanks

    Just got home today from a week of fishing Rainy, a big cold front hit on Wednesday and pretty much kept everyone at the dock. Thursday was very slow, Friday was very good, 32 ft was the magic depth. Here is a hot tip on what worked best for us!
    Dead sticking 3-6″ from the bottom with green jig and get this–dead shinners tail hooked. dead out performed live 3 to 1. Lots of 18 to 22″ with limits of 13 to 16 inchers. Trophy fish of 16.5″ were very hard to find. We fished just east of Brule. Very windy this morning.

    bruce anderson
    Posts: 63

    Thanks for the repley. We found the same deal. Even talked to a area guide and they also confirmed. We also ran into the same situation. Was a ruff weekend of fishin.

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