Headed to Ottertail for a week…couple questions.

  • rumriverrunner
    Posts: 160

    Good morning, headed up for a family vacation soon and was looking for some fishing gear advice. We are staying on the West side by Zorbaz.

    We will have two young kids with us, is there an area on the lake the supports a good panfish bite? From the DNR website it doesn’t look like panfish are abundant…looking to keep kids busy, not support the dinner table.

    Walleye….do I need my leadcore and trolling rods? I noticed the lake depth is 120 feet, I’m not looking for fishing spots…looking for advice how to fish walleye this time of year. My boat only is so big and have more gear than space so hoping to trim down the gear needed.

    Thank you

    Posts: 627

    We’re on that end of the lake too; been here since the 11th. We’ve done our ~10 day vacation every year this time for over 30 years. I don’t claim to be a pro but OT is typically pretty challenging for eyes this time of year. We’ve had some good days over the years but they are few and far between. They can certainly be had and the people that are in tune with the lake seem to do pretty well. We’ve gone with a guide a few times over the years and we went this year and even he was not real optimistic about the state of the walleye population in the lake (and we just caught a few fish). Usually you’re targeting humps (there’s a million of them) in 20-30 feet of water, but we caught a couple up in 7-8 ft as well. So many places on the lake to try so it is kind of cool in that regard.

    As far as panfish, there supposedly are some in OT but I’ve never pursued it. I’m not sure where you’d start. If you’re not tied to OT there are many lakes within 15 minutes that would give you plenty of action for the kids – I’d be happy to pass on some names.

    Another heads-up, swimmer’s itch is pretty bad this year. Last year was the first year we’d ever heard of it and we were warned again this year. First couple days we didn’t see it much but after a couple days of wind blowing into our shore it was really bad. Luckily I only went in up to my knees that day but it looks like I have chicken pox where I did go in.

    Posts: 1170

    Panfish – find weeds/weedline, should have plenty of action with large rockbass.

    Walleye – the large 30’ basin in front of Zorbaz is a good one for pulling lead. If you have good electronics you should be able to find fish relating to weeds in 20’ish during the day and less than 10’ at night. Cranks are the most consistent way to pull fish out there for me personally. Watch the wind, Accuweather is consistently wrong for me.

    I think the walleye population is in great shape out there. Seems to be the go-to lake for the guides I see trying to keep fish. A very strong yearclass of 17-19” fish

    Posts: 627

    The guide we talked to just made it sound like catching numbers is tougher than it has been most of the last 20 years, but that yes the average size is nice. He did mention that the spring bite was very good on those 16-19″ and he felt it gave people a false sense of the state of the fishery. I think I saw it mentioned on another thread about OT on here that there are few fish 10-15″, which obviously is concerning but lakes obviously cycle like that. It was his observation, obviously asking 10 different people you might get different views from each.

    Posts: 1808

    I see kids doing well with wacky rigs near the channel entrances and in shallow bays. Mostly Smallmouth and Largemouth but it gets kids excited when they hit a big bass. Pretty easy rigging as well depending on the age of the kids.

    Posts: 1170

    Was out last night, only night I could fish for the next couple weeks. Accuweather said 2% chance of precip. and clear skies over night. Wrong! Gnarly storm rolled thru at 10 and shut down the fish. Caught two 21”s before the storm and that was it. Found a pile of fish in 20’, couldn’t get them to go on anything. If ya get some stable weather Id focus on the 10’ range after dark with husky jerks in shiner color. Good luck.

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