HDS Live Question – Transducers

  • Eric Metz
    N/E Tennessee
    Posts: 6

    Kind of confused. Hopefully, someone who has this combination can clarify for me. I’m considering buying a Lorance HDS Live 9 and pairing it with the ActiveTarget Live Sonar. My confusion is is this combination, #1 – compatible with each other. It looks like it from what I’m reading, but want to make sure. #2 – Does the unit require anything else to work? This is where I’m really not clear. I assume it doesn’t need anything else BUT (big but) it isn’t clear to me if you have to have the Active Imaging 3-in-1 transducer AND the ActiveTarget Live Sonar or if you just need the ActiveTarget Live Sonar by itself. It appears, if I’m reading things right, that you can get the unit with and without the 3-in-1 transducer so I’m not sure it’s needed to make the Live Sonar work. #3 – If the 3-in-1 transducer is needed along with the Live Sonar transducer are they mounted together or do they have to be separated by a minimum distance or what? Thanks in advance.

    Posts: 12956

    Yes compatible.
    If you want active target you need the transducer and the blackbox hub. A pole mount system to turn the transducer.
    You won’t get any other kind of sonar side imaging down imaging 2D sonar without another transducer like the 3in1. 3in1 is side imaging down imaging and 2d sonar in one transducer.

    Eric Metz
    N/E Tennessee
    Posts: 6

    Yes compatible.
    If you want active target you need the transducer and the blackbox hub. A pole mount system to turn the transducer.
    You won’t get any other kind of sonar side imaging down imaging 2D sonar without another transducer like the 3in1. 3in1 is side imaging down imaging and 2d sonar in one transducer.

    Thanks for the response. Just want to clarify a couple of things though. If I’m understanding you correctly if all I want is the live sonar then I don’t need the 3-in-1 transducer, just the ActiveTarget Live Sonar transducer and blackbox, right? Also, again, if I’m understanding you, it has to be “aimed”, thus the pole system, correct? Now, if I do want to have the 3-in-1 transducer in addition to the Live Sonar does that have to be mounted somewhere else or does it go on the pole with the Live Sonar? If I’m using the 3-in-1 also, does it hook up to the HDS Live unit or does it hook up through the blackbox? Thanks in advance again.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18865

    You don’t necessarily need a separate pole. I’ve seen some people mount them directly to their bow mount.

    Obviously if you intend to use it for open water and ice fishing you’ll need a separate pole because I don’t think you’ll be lugging around a bow mount while ice fishing.

    Posts: 12956

    Yes it has to be aimed.
    3 in 1 would be mounted on back of boat and plugged straight into head unit.

    I wouldn’t want active target as my only source of sonar I know that.

    Eric Metz
    N/E Tennessee
    Posts: 6

    You don’t necessarily need a separate pole. I’ve seen some people mount them directly to their bow mount.

    Obviously if you intend to use it for open water and ice fishing you’ll need a separate pole because I don’t think you’ll be lugging around a bow mount while ice fishing.

    No ice around here. I’m thinking a separate pole since the bow mount trolling motor has spot lock so it will be adjusting its position on its own to hold the spot and might point the transducer away from what I want to see.

    Yes it has to be aimed.
    3 in 1 would be mounted on back of boat and plugged straight into head unit.

    I wouldn’t want active target as my only source of sonar I know that.

    I already have a conventional fish finder on the boat’s console but I still might want the extra capability of that 3-in-1 especially since I can’t see the console-mounted one from the fishing position, just when I’m driving the boat. Still debating that with myself. I’m wondering if the 3-in-1 transducer cable will be long enough as it’s a large pontoon boat and the cable from the rear of the boat to the bow will be something like 20 feet minimum, probably a little more since I’m sure I won’t be able to run the cable in a straight line.

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