HDS ice ducer

  • Darrell Tomandl
    Posts: 2

    I have my HDS rigged for ice fishing with the ice transducer. We have been fishing shallows from 2 to 6 foot of water and now I have this blue line in the center of the sonar. Do I need to change some settings? Any help is greatly appreciated!!

    1. image38.jpg

    Lake Nebagamon Wisconsin
    Posts: 417

    On my HDS 7 (Gen 1) I believe that there is a setting for shallow water angling. Sonar page – hit menu twice and scroll down to fishing mode. Select shallow water or ice fishing and see what that does…I ain’t a guru on this stuff so take this info with a grain of salt.

    Darrell Tomandl
    Posts: 2

    Thanks. I already have the shallow water setting on and switched the to the transducer.

    Chris Messerschmidt
    Posts: 615

    Stupid question, but is your transducer at least at the bottom of the hole (clearing the ice)? Sometimes not being at the bottom of the hole can give you interference.

    Again just something I have noticed on my HDS and Vexilars.

    Posts: 4062

    Try and turn down the sensitivity, its probably the signal bouncing back and forth of the ice and the bottom

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