Maybe a dumb question but can I leave chip in unit or do I have to take it out when not in use? Hope I can leave it in cause I am A pro at losing stuff. Just got chip today and pretty amazed. Put it to use tomorrow.

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Maybe a dumb question but can I leave chip in unit or do I have to take it out when not in use? Hope I can leave it in cause I am A pro at losing stuff. Just got chip today and pretty amazed. Put it to use tomorrow.
Maybe a dumb question but can I leave chip in unit or do I have to take it out when not in use? Hope I can leave it in cause I am A pro at losing stuff. Just got chip today and pretty amazed. Put it to use tomorrow.
I’ve left chips in units for months at a time. Think of it this way, how often do you pull a SD card out of your camera? Mine never comes out. I download via USB and delete photos from that card without ever removing it meaning an SD card might never come out of my camera the whole time I own it.
One things for certain… there’s no chance you’ll damage the card or unit by leaving it in place.
Which GPS map card did you get?
Mine has been in my humminbird since last May. No problems thru hot, cold, humid, rainy weather. Its probably the best storage spot for me because I also like to lose things.
Thanks. Got the Mn. edition. Have a 788 and set it up on an old Vex box and works fine after I figured it out. Going to try it out on Lake Winona tomorrow. Really fired up for open water now. Most of my fishing is done on river in Winona area(20 miles). Thanks again and thanks to Wade. Always had super service from Jolly Ann.
Can you use a Lakemaster chip in a Garmin brand?
Maybe a dumb question but can I leave chip in unit or do I have to take it out when not in use? Hope I can leave it in cause I am A pro at losing stuff. Just got chip today and pretty amazed. Put it to use tomorrow.
I received this in an email today from Lakemaster after one of their reps read this thread. I would take it as some insightful advice from the guys that deal with these GPS cards every day.
From Lakemaster – “The caution I would add regards units/cards left in cold storage over the winter. Sometimes a card might get some moisture in it(changing cards in the rain, condensation) and there is a remote chance that freeze thaw cycles could booger up the circuitry. Once in awhile someone calls with “it worked last fall, but now it doesn’t” story. Reasonable precautions that you would use for any electronics. If you think it got wet, bring it indoors and let it air dry somewhere.”
James, then I would guess that I would never have a problem, “due to being left in the unit” all of my electronics are brought in the house durring off seasons. I-Polit, marine radio, grafts, life jackets, ropes, orr ,,,,,,, ok I think you got the picture.
Everything! Stripped!
James, then I would guess that I would never have a problem, “due to being left in the unit” all of my electronics are brought in the house durring off seasons. I-Polit, marine radio, grafts, life jackets, ropes, orr ,,,,,,, ok I think you got the picture.
Everything! Stripped!
I’m with you, Denny. All my electronics come in the house and go on one of my shelves in the office between uses. At $3k a graph… I just can’t stand the thought of them being outside when I’m not within arms reach.
My grafts don’t alyways make it inside between trips in the summer but usualy do.
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