Settings are not that difficult for SI. Basically, there are only a 2 or 3 really important settings, and even these don’t necessarily need to be adjusted that often. Scroll speed (based on your gps speed over water), sensitivity, are the biggest ones – range is probably the 3rd. contrast can come into play, but I usually don’t adjust that one a ton once originally set.
Start with a range between 50 and 120 feet, or maybe about 4x the depth of the water you are in. (80 foot range for 20 feet deep). This should give good detail. Go shorter or longer based on detail/personal preference. Start traveling between 2-5 mph gps speed. Then adjust scroll speed to get a good picture. Rocks, wood, structure should look clear and proportional. Generally, between 2-5mph you will probably be on a 2-4 setting for speed. Also adjust sensitivity based on depth, bottom composition, etc. A hard rock bottom in shallow water will give a very bright return, so you might need to dial down the sensitivity. A soft muck bottom in deeper water will be dark, you might need to increase the sensitivity.
Basically, let the picture tell you what is right. It’s very straightforward and easy once you get on the water.
good luck!