A simple answer: yes.
Some of my friends have asked me how has it been going since running SI-DI v/s regular 2D sonar.
My basic analogy to them has been it’s like an X-ray v/s a CAT scan-both great tools but can do very different things.
Your regular 2D can be thought of much like an X-ray machine, shooting a cone of energy down like a shotgun blast.
Side-imaging or down-imaging shoots thin slices of energy, thus like a CAT scan machine, gives a much more detailed picture of what is going on. Much like a CAT scan, you really do see exactly what is going on down there.
Will SI-DI replace my 2D? My answer to that is “no”. The regular 2D gives me a great interpretation of bottom hardness, target hardness, thermoclines and water temp. differences, well as currents. My SI-DI gives me great target seperation, an actual picture of what I am looking at, better clarity and whole host of other features. In a sense, the SI and DI is like “further studies” being done, much like getting a CAT scan after seeing something on an X-ray that has to be checked out further. I am sure there are a few on this site that have had an X-ray done on their lowback only to have their doctor say “we need a CAT scan to check this out further”.
So, I run both at the same time, just like having access to an X-ray and CAT scan at the same time.
So if you get a chance, jump into a buddies boat that has this new technology and you too can drive around for hours at end just looking at the bottom.
Thanks Jason for all the great posts, you sure have cut down the learning curve on this great new techology.