2 D images

  • KirtH
    Posts: 4062

    After spending some more time behind the screen of my 1157 and 997 using the 2 D mode I am extremely impressed with the way it marks fish and how nice it shows them, nothing like going over a fish or 2 and telling the guy in the bacl of the boat to get read. Fish that where tight to the bottom no problemo seeing them. i was able to graph my leach in 35 feet of water.

    Some day i will get some screen shots

    Norway,Michigan (In DA UP)
    Posts: 165

    I agree ! My 997c si has been amazing. Other than a random losing of the gps connection ( being helped by HB Tech now)
    I WAS running it side by side with my LCX18C unit for comparison, I turned the lowrance unit off after several days of comparison. The HB GPS locked on MUCH Faster,Better bottom,weed and fish detection in the weeds making it very easy at just a glance to understand what is under you. Side Imaging is really great for structure detection and am learning to pick out the fish more everyday. I added the Navionics North 2009 chip and have yet to find ANY Errors in mapping on Little Bay DeNoc. (My 2004 version is full of errors)

    Dallas, WI
    Posts: 1003

    For those of you with SI units purchased last year, be sure to go to Humminbird PC and download SI Combo Update (version 4.510) to reap full benefit from the 2D upgrades – incredible!

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    I just bought mine a few months ago. I didn’t get a chance to see the older version. Is there a considerable difference?

    Posts: 823

    The 2d function is considerably better, but personally, I liked my SI function prior to the upgrade. I went back to 4.10 something last weekend, When I put 4.510 in, I did not reset the factory defaults, like advised. When you reset the factory defaults, you lose all of your personal settings, and these units take some tweaking to get where they give the best images.
    My plans are, to reload 4.510 soon and compare now that my fishing has ended and Im simply working on SI stuff.

    It may be better when in fact I do use the reset function

    Posts: 2389

    I just don’t look at the 2d that much since I am always staring at the SI… But, I still haven’t been that impressed (even after upgrade) with the 2d vs lowrance models… I haven’t toyed with 2d setting at all, though, so maybe there is my problem.. Any settings that I should pay attention to, or that help more than others if you get them tweaked just right??


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