Side Imaging vs. down-looking sonar

  • jhalfen
    Posts: 4179

    This was one of the many screen captures I gathered today while goofing off on wind-blown lake Wissota. Aside from being a nice image, it is really instructive in two different ways.

    First, note that I’m showing a split view, with down-looking, “traditional” sonar on the left and Humminbird Side Imaging on the right. As you can see on the Side Imaging panel, I’m in a region that is rich with fish cribs. Toward the top of the frame, note that I’ve driven directly over two cribs (right at the junction of the dark blue water column stripe and the lighter bottom). These cribs are noted with red arrows. Now, look at the down-looking sonar panel….there are the same two cribs.

    Instructive point #1: The combination of Side Imaging (for perfect target identification….these are definitely fish cribs) and down-looking sonar allows us to define the height of these cribs…these are about 5 feet high, with the tops sitting about 11 feet below the surface. Now, imagine that you’d like to fish these cribs with minnows and slip-bobbers for some of Wissota’s slab crappies….how far down should a guy set his bobber? How about 10 feet so you skirt the top of the cribs but don’t have to worry about snagging up? What a fantastic way to make your fishing time more productive by dialing in the right depth from the start.

    Instructive point #2: Note that the rest of the down-looking sonar view is clean…no additional cribs can be seen. One pass with a locator equipped with only down-looking sonar might make you think that there are only a couple of cribs here. Side Imaging, of course, shows you immediately that there are far more than just two. How many cribs can you readily identify in the Side Imaging panel? I count 17 cribs in addition to the two that the 2D beams identified. 2 out of 19…..

    Posts: 4062

    Jason, great Humminbird info

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Jason, great info and a great contribution to helping people learn so much more about what their electronics can provide to them.

    BTW – I was a bit more focused on those suspended fish in the bottom left corner… might even think they would be the most active fish in the area

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    Thanks for the great information!! I have been thinking of upgrading my electronics and never really even gave hummingbird SI much thought but after reading your posts I am sold. Electronics are expensive, thanks again for the information. I feel I am now making a much better informed buying decision and will be getting the most out of my investment.

    Posts: 4179

    Now that I’ve been running Humminbird Side Imaging for a month or so, it’s so hard for me to control my enthusiasm for the product and the technology.

    You’re going to be very happy with your investment. Don’t forget to contact Skeeter Boat Center when you’re ready to purchase your unit, whether it’s a 798, a 997 like I have, or the Big Boy 1197. Their install is very professionally done, is tailored to your particular boat, and is water tested (including a demo ride for the unit’s new owner) before your boat ever leaves the shop. It’s an easy way to both protect your investment and get the maximum benefit from the technology starting with the first trip.

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