A guide’s review of the Humminbird 1197c and 997c

  • jhalfen
    Posts: 4179

    About a month ago, I decided to take my tournament fishing and guiding to the next level, and make the leap to Humminbird Side Imaging technology. In doing so, I installed a Humminbird 997c Side Imaging combo at the console of my boat, and spent the better part of the past month familiarizing myself with the capabilities of this unit. Last weekend, however, I was offered an opportunity to test drive the 997c’s larger cousin, the 1197c, in order to compare and contrast these two industry-leading Side Imaging locators. I leaped at the chance to drive the Big Boy for a few days, and demonstrate the capabilities of the 1197 to family, friends, and clients. I’ll use this thread to share my thoughts regarding the complimentary strengths of the 1197 and the 997.

    Posts: 4179


    There are two key issues that made my test drive of the 1197 possible.

    First was the willingness of Skeeter Boat Center to lend me a unit for a few days. Skeeter Boat Center is currently running a Humminbird Sales and Rigging Promotion that will help get anglers up and running with their own Humminbird Side Imaging unit as quickly and easily as possible. When you’re ready to make the lead to Side Imaging, be sure to give Dan or Dave a ring (715-833-2662) and set up an appointment to have Side Imaging added to your boat.

    Second was the total cross-compatibility of all of the rigging for the 1197c and the 997c. Both use the same high-definition Side Imaging transducer, the same high-accuracy GPS antenna, and the same power cable. I simply unplugged these cables from the back of my 997c, plugged them into the back of the 1197c, and I was ready to Side Image. The 997c and the 1197c are even supported by the same RAM mount (1.5 inch ball) that didn’t budge a bit when crossing Lake Wissota on Tuesday in some pretty big rollers.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    Do you know if you can just plug and go a switch from a 797 to a 997 like you did on the two bigger models?

    Posts: 4179

    On the water performance

    When discussing locators, we’ve all heard the adage, “bigger is better”. Certainly, a larger screen will minimize eye strain as you study the Humminbird’s screen for information.

    There was one circumstance where I felt that 1197’s larger screen presented a distinct advantage over the 997’s smaller screen: pulling cranks using the kicker. I run a tiller kicker (Yamaha T8), and I prefer to sit at the transom to run the motor (and easily monitor all 6 lines we normally pull), rather than sit at the helm and control the kicker remotely. Sitting at the transom separates me from the locator by 6-6.5 feet. With the 1197c in place, I could easily read the side imaging view from the transom, while I struggled to do so (without constantly hopping up and down to read the screen at the helm) with the 997c. When running the smaller 997c, I actually rigged up a second GPS/sonar combo right at the transom so I could avoid straining to see the 997c’s screen. No need to do so in the case of the 1197c. So, for the troller, the size of the 1197c presents a distinct advantage.

    There are some other areas in which the 997c holds the advantage over the larger 1197c. First is that the 997 fits well into tight spaces. I have a full windshield on my boat, and the shorter 997c fits perfectly behind the screen. Due to its smaller size, I can adjust its position in a larger number of ways than I could the 1197c. In fact, there was exactly one way that the 1197c would fit behind my windscreen, and adjusting it from this position usually resulted in an odd viewing angle for either the screen or the operator.

    Second, because the 1197c and the 997c have different numbers of vertical pixels (600 for the 1197, 480 for the 997) yet the same number of horizontal pixels (800 each), the units display information slightly differently and have different susceptibilities to the boat deviating from a straight path. Specifically, when using the 997c, I typically run a screen speed of 4 when moving at 4-5 mph, and can collect sharp images at trolling speed (currently about 1.8) at a screen speed of 2. To collect the same sharp images with the 1197c, I had to decrease my screen speed to 3 when operating at 4-5 mph, and all the way down to 1 at trolling speed. What this tells me is that each unit is likely displaying the same amount of “history” on the vertical axis, and doing do on the 1197c causes it to add new data more rapidly than does the 997c. As a result, to prevent images from being stretched out vertically on the 1197c, I had to slow the screen speed down relative to the more squat 997c. The apparently faster refresh rate of the 1197c (at a constant screen speed) is reflected in the amount of image blurring that occurs when deviating from a straight boat path. I tended to see more such blurring/distortion with the 1197c than I typically do with the 997c. My conclusion therefore is that images are smaller, yet perhaps sharper, with the 997c than with the 1197c. However, I also conclude that these issues can be overcome by paying attention to screen speed and boat direction, and that the larger screen size of the 1197c does indeed offer some distinct advantages.

    Posts: 4179

    Comparing side images

    You may have read a recent thread in which I showed some very nice side images of a sunken 12-foot boat in Lake Wissota. I collected those initial images with my 997c, and then revisited the boat with the 1197c in place to compare the images of this object collected by the two units. The raw screen captures are shown below. I tried hard to move along the same path (I got close) and at the same speed (I pegged that one….3.0 mph each) for both images. The 997c’s screen capture is on the left, with the 1197c on the right. We’ll discuss some differences between the images in the next post.

    Posts: 4179

    The sunken boat

    Here is a close up view of the boat, collected by the 997c (left) and the 1197c (right). I tried to crop out the same amount of non-boat stuff, and zoom in to the same extent for each.

    One difference between the images is the amount of shadowing in the 1197c’s image (the darker area in the middle of the boat), which is because my boat is slightly farther away from the sunken boat in that image that it was in the 997c’s image. Other than that….it’s hard for me to see a significant difference in image quality or readability between the two images.

    Posts: 4179

    Cribs and sonar shadows

    Here is a set of cribs from just below (before) the boat. The 997c’s image is on the left, the 1197c’s image is on the right. Again, same cribs, same speed, nearly same relative positions of the cribs and boat.

    I don’t know about you…but I see better definition in the crib structure as imaged by the 997c than the 1197c. The sonar shadows are more crisp in the 997c’s image than they are in the 1197c’s image. Moreover, the 997c’s image does show a third crib (on the right side of the image), while the 1197c’s image only reveals the presence of this crib by the crib’s sonar shadow.

    Also, notice how the top crib is nice and “boxy” in the 997c’s image, while it looks slightly curved in the 1197c’s image….I point that out as an example of the 1197c’s sensitivity to boat path.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469


    Cribs and sonar shadows I don’t know about you…but I see better definition in the crib structure as imaged by the 997c than the 1197c. The sonar shadows are more crisp in the 997c’s image than they are in the 1197c’s image. Moreover, the 997c’s image does show a third crib (on the right side of the image), while the 1197c’s image only reveals the presence of this crib by the crib’s sonar shadow.

    Jason, I read ultrasound images for a living. Looking at the two images. Makes me wonder if the settings between the two systems are exactly the same. It apprears to me the compression and contrast on the 1197 is set higher than the 997. Just my thoughts from looking at the images.

    I will agree that the images you provided. The 997 has better resolution.

    Posts: 4179

    The drop off on the left

    I don’t rain on the 1197c’s parade too hard. Check out the area on the left of the two original images. In the 997c’s image, all you see is dark shadow. However, in the 1197c’s image, you can clearly see that there is a drop off here, casting a small shadow, followed by another sand flat below. Both the drop and the lower flat are imaged nicely by the 1197, while the 997c misses it. I’ve zoomed in on this region below. Again, 997c on the left, 1197c on the right.

    Now, part of that may be due to the positions of the boat relative to the drop off during both screen captures. When using the 1197, I was farther from the sunken boat and closer to the drop off…which would make the drop off’s shadow less pronounced and therefore give me a chance to see the lower flat. I’ll have to test that theory during my next run through this spot with the 997.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Now if you look at your “comparing side images” with the cribs in the non-zoomed frames. There appears to be a very similar resolution between the two images. If you look at the second to last crib on the bottom of the image. It appears to be a “cleaner” and “crisper” image of that crib on the 1197. Oddly enough that is the ONLY crib that is “crisper”. The others in the frame are “crisper” in the 997.

    Posts: 4179

    Closing thoughts

    Both the 997c and the 1197c are outstanding, industry-leading Side Imaging locators. Having access to this kind of technology has changed the way I fish, and it will do the same for you.

    Hopefully, some of the discussion above will help you decide which Humminbird locator to add to your boat. Which one would I buy? Well, after running both for an extended period of time, I’d run the Big Boy 1197c….if for no other reason than I spend a ton of time pulling cranks and spinners from the transom. Don’t forget to contact Skeeter Boat Center when you’re ready to make the leap to Side Imaging!

    Posts: 4179


    Makes me wonder if the settings between the two systems are exactly the same.

    Other than screen speed….I ran factory defaults for all of the comparison images. It may be that the defaults are different for the two…I’ll have to look into that.

    Posts: 2389

    My first impression of the differences between your screenshots was the big difference in viewing that sand/dropoff area on the left. But like you said, I think it does have a fair amount to do with you being closer to the drop with the 1197. I think that makes a big difference in clarity when the target is at (for example) a 40 degree angle from the sonar vs a 60 degree or higher angle. Distortion from the longer distance and greater sonar return angle seems to become prenounced as you get further from the transducer. I guess I would attribute the difference to simply being closer to the drop with the 1197, but I could be wrong..

    It also seems like the contrasts are fairly different. You are getting a little brighter return off of the 1197… The 997 is a little darker, and would have a little more difficulty picking up that sand drop at a higher distance to the side. Were the contrast/sensitivity settings the same? Even if they were, I would assume that each unit has its own settings it tends to work best on, and equal settings might not preform equally across the board from the 797 to 997 to 1197.

    Either way, great images, and thanks for sharing all of the insight!!


    Posts: 4179

    I agree about the contrast….I didn’t really notice that until just now, and I need to investigate that further. As I said above, it was factory defaults for both….now I suspect that the defaults are different between the two units.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Jason – There is one thing I disagree with. The Ram! If you go with the 1197, spend the little extra and get the 2.5″ balls, like maybe D-111U-C. If your running a larger rig or on big bodies of water, you want the extra strength of the larger mount. I have the 1.5 and the 2.5. The 1.5 hold good when the rubber is still like new. But the older ball that has aged will slip under the weight of the 1197. I found this out the hard way last year on Erie, and thank God I have a sponsorship that was generous enough to replace the $3,000.00 unit that I was too cheap to upgrade a RAM with. Also, checking with the engineers of Johnson Outdoors, they will recomend the 2.5 balls as well.

    Jason, you did hit it perfectly though with the Compatibility.

    I decided to go with a actual marine video monitor for my bow. But that aside, the netowrking features from the 1197 are awesome. The interlink runs about $130.00 and that allows a number of additional units to run with a 1197. That would include almost every 700, 900, and 1100 series unit to network and share features of the 1197.

    A couple guys I know that do a lot of trolling on inland water plus Lake MI use the Smart Cast remote transducer on their boards for percise trolling.

    I don’t mean to hijack this by any means. Its hard to not jump in when you find yourself so excited over products this good. I’m into my 3rd year with my 1197 and this is my second unit in that time. The only failure has been the smashed screen last year that was my fault for an under sized Ram.

    Posts: 2389

    Either that, or the defaults just behave differently in different units/screen sizes/displays.

    Anyway to split the sonar signal at the console and actually run both units side by side, so you can adjust contrast, sensitivity, etc. and based off of exactly the same sonar signal?

    Probably more work than what it would be worth for these purposes, basically you have already shown as that both units are stellar. Maybe the HB guys have some comparisons similar to the above (or could work on it?)


    Posts: 1564

    Alright, enough with the expensive stuff, can you do any images with the 798? Or is there a difference with the transducer?
    2-3K is much, much moola.
    Love your posts!!!!!


    Posts: 4179


    If you go with the 1197, spend the little extra and get the 2.5″ balls, like maybe D-111U-C. If your running a larger rig or on big bodies of water, you want the extra strength of the larger mount.

    Great point, and thanks for sharing your experience!

    Posts: 2389

    wow… running a smartcast unit off of a board… Very cool indeed!!

    I CAN’T WAIT to get this thing out on lake Michigan this summer and see if I can find some pods of kings.

    how does that marine video monitor function? crisper images, or just larger screen?? (or both?)

    Also, does anyone know of any type of coating you could apply to a worn ram mount ball that would help to make it “stick” in case this problem ever arises?? Any rubber, plastic, etc type of spray on or brush on coating? bedliner coating, rubber cement type of stuff? How about electrical tape wrapped around the ball? Any suggestions from guys that might have “doctored their balls” to make them hold in the mount better? (sorry, can’t find another way to say that )

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792



    Do you know if you can just plug and go a switch from a 797 to a 997 like you did on the two bigger models?

    Does anyone know this? Can I upgrade from a 797 to a 997 without changing transducers and GPS pucks?

    Posts: 2389

    I assume you can with no problems. Should be all the same cables, transducer, GPS etc…. Jason should know for sure, though.


    Madison, WI
    Posts: 1090


    I decided to go with a actual marine video monitor for my bow.

    what is a marine video monitor?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    The monitor is just that, a second screen so I’m not rotating my unit everytime I go from the console to the deck. As for image, about equal to the H/bird screen. I hade one, and JO is not going to give me a unit for free….

    After what I experienced on my 1197, I would replace the ball. With a lighter unit such as the 997, re-coating would probably work

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910



    I decided to go with a actual marine video monitor for my bow.

    what is a marine video monitor?

    A water proof TV

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380


    The monitor is just that, a second screen so I’m not rotating my unit everytime I go from the console to the deck. As for image, about equal to the H/bird screen. I hade one, and JO is not going to give me a unit for free….

    After what I experienced on my 1197, I would replace the ball. With a lighter unit such as the 997, re-coating would probably work

    And it displays what’s on your Humminbird???

    Great thread, btw.

    Posts: 2389

    Basically like hooking your laptop computer up to another monitor or TV. Just using a screen other than (or in addition to) the HB unit itself to view the information.

    Posts: 4179




    Do you know if you can just plug and go a switch from a 797 to a 997 like you did on the two bigger models?

    Does anyone know this? Can I upgrade from a 797 to a 997 without changing transducers and GPS pucks?

    The 797’s transducer is only compatible with the 700 series units. The standard hi-def transducer that is provided with the 900 and 1100 series units is backwards compatible with the 700 series units.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Jason – Just noticed your pic of the transducer. Do you have a stepped transom? Are you running the single transducer, or did you put the Y cable in and add a glassed puck inside your boat?

    Now that I’m into my third year with mine, I found the transducer bracket is getting weaker and it will pop up frequently. Not too bad when the water is 67 degrees to reach in and push it down. Not fun when the water is 34 degrees

    Lake Mills, WI
    Posts: 831

    Was worried about this posting coming up from you Jason. Was worried I made the wrong choice with my 997si vs getting the 1197. I chose the 997 as I was nervous to hang the big one off the side of my skeeter on a RAM. Based on what I have seen from the images, they look to be similar, and though settings, I’m pretty sure there will be no advantage or disadvantage to running either unit. I suppose someday when I get older like some of you guys I’ll need the bigger screen to see.

    That said, I know I sure as heck am not borrowing that 1197 from Skeeter Boat Center as I would end up keeping it and putting my 997on the bow. I don’t even want to see one of those.

    Randy W – As for the seperate monitor, that is interesting, first I have heard of such a thing. Do you have any pictures or a link of what you run for this?

    Another boat toy to add to my wish list…

    Posts: 2389

    Jason – I noticed that it looks like you transducer will run right in the main slipstream of the water. Any issues with roostertails or other issues when traveling at fast speeds?

    I noticed that my unit will roostertail a little water, but I assume that is normal. I have mine mounted just about at the lowest part of my Lund, off of center a tad.

    I know some guys will add a 2-d puck lower for fast bottom pickup, and then mount the SI puck higher up the transom so its not as succeptible to damage by being so low in the water. Seems like a little more hastle though…

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