We’ve had a chance now to see how Humminbird Side Imaging handles objects that are off to the sides of the boat. Trees look like trees. Cribs looks like big boxy cribs. Rocks look like….rocks. How does Humminbird Side Imaging deal with things that are right under the boat, in the area that is normally covered by traditional 2D down-looking sonar? Very well indeed!
Rather than looking out to the sides, we’ll be focusing our attention in the middle of the screen capture, in the dark blue stripe that represents the water column right under the boat. The junction between the dark blue water column and the lighter return is the bottom directly beneath the boat.
First is a fish….a big one, probably a musky, based on the area where I captured the image. It’s certainly a long fish that is oriented nearly parallel to the direction of the boat’s travel. The fish itself is the bright white return in the middle of the dark blue stripe. It appears to be about 10 feet down over 18 feet of water. It’s on the starboard side of the boat…because it’s shadow (red arrow) only appears on the right side image.