998 left side imaging view issue

  • atc1135
    Posts: 2

    I’m looking for anyone to help or give suggestions with an issue I’m having. I installed my new 998c about a month ago. I did everything exactly how it should have been, and referred to different sites regarding location of the transducer. The issue I’m having is on the left side of my side imaging I have a very poor picture. On the right it’s perfect, on the left it’s only a clear picture for about 15 feet. After that it shows nothing in particular. I’ve made sure it’s level, moved it up, moved it down, taken off the screen cover for the livewell intake, and trimmed my motor up all the way. I’m looking for any help to get the same picture from the right to the left. I have it on a lund rebel xl if that helps at all. Thanks for any help.

    Cottage Grove MN
    Posts: 283

    If you haven’t tried to restore defaults try that it might help but for me it never works.

    Are you alone in the boat when you are using the depth finder?
    The boat might not be sitting level in the water which will cause the transducer to tip and not read good.

    Posts: 823

    Post a picture of the installation. Hard to say without seeing what it looks like..

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