low speed mph on 1198?

  • bls1984
    Posts: 82

    anyone have problems with accurate low speed readings on HB 1198? when I am trolling my I pilot remote locked on to 1 mph my HB will stay at .6 ? they both will not read the same until I hit at least 1.5

    Avon, MN
    Posts: 639

    Funny you bring this up. I was wondering what others go by, the I-pilot or unit speed. My I-pilot also seems to have a more stable speed reading than does my 798. The unit also jumps around a lot and also reads lower than the I-pilot. I would have thought the external antenna would be the most accurate.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I know my 1198 and Ipilot read the same speed, deviance is .2 is the most I have seen,

    Posts: 82

    I would think so too. my last boat I had the 798 with internal gps and both unit and remote were dead on. just by experience and watching my blades spin I know that the ipilot remote is the right one. just don’t get why that is and if there is something I can fix? speed is important

    Monticello / Guthrie, MN
    Posts: 382

    my 898, 1197 and I Pilot all read within a tenth or two of one another from what I’ve seen.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    My I pilot and 998 have the same sort of low-speed difference usually until I get above 1.8ish. I go by the I pilot because, unlike the external ant on the 998, the I pilot has consistent readings that don’t jump around. And when trolling I don’t notice slack-line periods or differences in bait action so I assume the I pilot is accurate.

    Posts: 82

    Glad I’m not the only one at least. Home fully they come out with an update soon to stop the circle from popping up when it reads .5 or less. And really am going .8 -.9

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