So putting together a few ideas for some upgrades for the boat over the winter/spring and I’ve figured up my ideas if I go Lowrance, but I also want to look at Hummingbird units (esp. after seeing the pp on that new 1199 SI), which I don’t know nearly as much about. More or less building back from ‘scratch’.
Here are my questions:
1) I heard the SI duecers can have trouble keeping bottom on plane (much like lowrance SS duecers) and that you should have the high speed duecer also, is this true? I assume the high speed would be an add on purchase and not included with any of the SI sonar units?
2) Does humminbird network connections share gps cards (lakemaster), so if I have 2 birds I only need one set of lake chips?
3) Can, lets say the new 1199, be networked with an older 757 that I have and share waypoints/maps?
4)Anyone who has ran both Lowrance and hummingbird care to share you thoughts on the big differences, if any?