858c HD DI Combo vs 898c HD SI Combo

  • rschmidty
    Posts: 173

    I am looking at upgrading my depth finder and I really like the two units mentioned above. Since I have never had a high quality unit before, I am a little at a loss from what I need and don’t.

    Between the two units, the obvious difference is that the 898 has SI and the 858 doesn’t. I’ve heard that the 858 DI is better than the 898 DI. Also, I noticed that the frequencies used for the regular sonar is different, what is the reasoning for this?

    Either way, both units will be a huge upgrade for me, but with the 858 being $500 cheaper, is getting the SI worth it?

    Thanks for any input you can give me.

    North St Paul
    Posts: 392

    i bought the 898c hd si combo last year..i’ve never spent that kind of $ on any toy for me(other than the boat)it takes awhile to see everything the unit shows you.. i’m still learning what the unit is tell me..i love it but it will take time to figure it out

    Avon, MN
    Posts: 639

    Not sure what the reasoning is behind the different 2D sonar frequencies. Understand though, the 858’s 2D sonar will not cover as much water as the 898 will. Also, the functionality of the Dual Beam Plus on the 858 is limited in comparison to that of the 898.

    eldora, iowa
    Posts: 426

    buy what you can afford. 4000watts for the 858 8000w for the 898 If you like to play, there is more to do and learn with the SI. If you want to turn it on and fish, save the 500 bucks and get the 858.

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