Waypoints-HDS to BIRD

  • kroger3
    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    I have been a longtime Lowrance user and finally made the switch to bird this season. How can I get my waypoints from my Lowrance HDS units over to the new Humminbird units? It may have been posted already but not having any luck finding an old post. Thanks!

    Crystal, MN
    Posts: 458

    I used easygps to transfer waypoints between garmin and lowrance. you should be able to do the same transferring to bird.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    I did this not long ago for a friend.
    I found it to be a real pain in the !

    What I ended up having to do was log into Humminbird. Create an account, registar his unit, and then there is a
    program and instructions on Humminbirds web site.
    In all honnesty, after going through all the registration crap, it was actually not bad.

    I’m sure there are other ways out there but after spending quite a bit of time searching, this is how I ended up doing it for him.

    If you got a new Bird, it probably would be a bad Idea to registar it on there wed page anyhow.
    Good luck.

    This is I do know, it’s way easier to go from Bird to Lowrance, that’s for sure. Done that many times and in a few minutes with ease!

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Oh yeh, one more thing.
    There are 3 options when saving waypoints from your HDS (Wish I had mine in front of me)
    Make sure you don’t save using the bottom options (beleive it’s something like 4.0).
    That will not convert to Humminbird (at least what I was told) so when I did a friends, I saved using one of the top 2 options.
    I’d be glad to look at my Lowrance and let you know which I’m talking about.
    This might save you some head scratching!

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    Just an update for people that my read this post.

    Got my waypoints converted over from my Lowrance HDS Gen 1 units to my Humminbird 958 unit. I ended up going on Humminbird’s website and creating an account then this gives you access to download “HuminbirdPC” which is a program for doing this then they point you to a YouTube link that is a 8 minute video giving you step by step instructions on how to do it. Was very simple. But a few things they do not touch on is when exporting from my HDS unit I had to use the top of the 4 options, then once it was loaded into HumminbirdPC I had to delete my trails because they were way to long and had to many points. Then when loading into my Humminbird unit it would not auto load upon powering up like the video says but all I had to do was with the unit on remove the SD card and pop it back in then it recognized the chip and asked if I want to import.

    All in all after creating an account, registering my units (which is a good idea anyways) , and installing the software it only takes a few minutes.

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