1197 wont light up

  • Jim Kissinger
    Markesan WI
    Posts: 123

    I just installed a 997 and 1197 and when i turned the 1197 on it would go on but it was dark like you couldnt see much just analmost black screen switched the 1197 there and that lite up but cold not exit the first window I think its a power problem looking for some thoughts I swear ill get in the water yet lol

    Posts: 4033

    Replace the fuse on that line and see if that helps.

    Jim Kissinger
    Markesan WI
    Posts: 123

    bbk if the fuse was bad would it not light atall I will put a new fuse in the one in there looks good

    Posts: 3403

    I had a similar problem with my 1197 when it had the latest software installed on it. It would power up and as soon as I tried to switch screens it would lock up or turn black, but the buttons still made clicking sounds like it was working but i couldn’t see anything. I installed an older software version back on and it worked fine. Then I reloaded the latest software and it worked after that.

    Posts: 4033


    bbk if the fuse was bad would it not light atall I will put a new fuse in the one in there looks good

    I’m not saying its going to work.. but I had a similar problem with a different unit. The fuse looked good, and the unit would power up but wouldnt allow me to do anything. If I pushed a button it would shut down. I replaced the fuse with a new inline 3amp and it worked perfect.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    bbk if the fuse was bad would it not light atall I will put a new fuse in the one in there looks good

    if the fuse is too small or corroded to a point that it reduces the amperage the unit will trun on, but not light up or operate properly. Just like having too small of a gage power cord from the battery.

    after re-reading the original post, try a heaver gage feed wire from the battery

    Jim Kissinger
    Markesan WI
    Posts: 123

    I repalced both power cables because i was getting a 1/2 v drop went from 12.5 to 12 I isolated the lines with differnt battery NS STILL DID IT THEN PUT NEW POWER CABLES IN AND its working good now what a pain bbk I also changed out the fuses to make sure that i wouldnt have that problem thanks for your help

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