I was told today that inorder to read bottom at speed i need another transducer for high speed that was from Scheels and unfortuunately cant call hunninbird to find out to late today can some one clarify
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Toys for Big Boys » Humminbird Electronics » transducer
March 24, 2012 at 3:54 am #1051943
You do need a second transducer to use sonar at high speeds. The high speed transducer costs about 75 dollars. Plus the y cable so you can run the down/side scan At the same time as your high speed 2d sonar.
Posts: 823March 24, 2012 at 9:38 am #1051951Ummm.more information please.
What model Bird are you looking at, and what kind of boat do you have?there are tons of boats that get along just fine with a stand alone HDSI transducer, and get depth readings at speed, myself included.
It all depends on how you mount your HDSI to read. If you wna tto mount it up an out of harms way, then you will need a second xducer. If you mount it down, flush with the bottom of the boat, then with a little tweaking, you will probably not need it.
March 24, 2012 at 12:33 pm #1051971I just bought a 1197 and 997 locators I thought that the guy was wrong doesnt make sense to spend that kind of money only to have to buy anotheer transducer
Posts: 823March 25, 2012 at 2:12 am #1052096Ok, then you got the HDSI trasnducer with both units. If you are planning on one on the trolling motor, do yourself a favor and get a Transducer Shied and Saver mount…
You didnt say what boat you were going on. Glass or tin,, step or no step on the transom..
March 25, 2012 at 2:41 pm #1052199Quote:
I was told today that inorder to read bottom at speed i need another transducer for high speed that was from Scheels and unfortuunately cant call hunninbird to find out to late today can some one clarify
I am a big proponent for a 2nd (cheaper) high speed transducer on the boat. It makes transducer placement in an ideal location for both SI and high speed running a breeze. HOWEVER it is not required in the least and I’ve rigged boats with just the one transducer to do all jobs and it works great.
I fish the river a lot and debris is always a concern. I would really rather break a $75 transducer or it $12 bracket vs. breaking a $250 transducer. I’ve broken 2 high speed brackets in the last 3 years.
March 25, 2012 at 2:44 pm #1052201Quote:
I just bought a 1197 and 997 locators I thought that the guy was wrong doesnt make sense to spend that kind of money only to have to buy anotheer transducer
Perhaps he was thinking of Lowrance which you do have to have a 2D transducer and a SI/DI transducer.
I understand your pain though. It really stinks when these companies hire kids who don’t know how to pull their pants up, yet they are expected to answer highly technical questions that affect thousand dollar decisions.
Posts: 823March 26, 2012 at 12:22 am #1052315Quote:
gees guys I have a lund prov 1900 rivet aluminum
It is a very important question, with about a thousand different answers.With that hull,no, you will not need a separate HS transducer and splitter cable.
Can you use both, Like Wade said, yes.
I have a 1750 crestliner ts and only use the HDSI (large) transducer and get full 2d SI and Di readings to top end which is just a little below 40. I have had it on for 5 years, and have never broke it off, or even damaged it in any way… Except when I drifted into a stump sideways and sheared it off, along with all of the Lowrance ducers also.
I would not be scared of mounting it up and trying it, provided you use a transom saver board of some kind.
March 30, 2012 at 10:42 am #1054070thanks everyone I still am not in the water do to some other problems that i posted I think I have to send the 1197 in will not light up tried everything so think unit has issue I still think its betterthen the other company because customer service has been great cant say enough about hb being a new user
Posts: 823
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