I’m a longtime Lowrance user… well over a decade with my X-85’s. However, I’m not overly partial to either Lowrance or HB. But, time has come to make my decision on new electronics. There are two features on the new Lowrance Gen2’s that may keep me from purchasing HB with SI. These are Lowrance’s StructureMap, and the HDS10 & HDS8 soft keys. So, for the HB power users, here are a few questions for you & an opportunity to convince me to switch to HB.
1) What do you think of Lowrance’s StructureMap? Do you find yourself really wishing HB had it, or see it as a good add-on, but current SI is equal in easily providing answers to your on the water needs? (In other words, after a learning curve in using SI, StructureMap wouldn’t really be additionally useful.?.?)
2) Soft Keys… Lowrance has them on their 8″ & 10″ models. Seems like they would be a great feature… one step access to most of your needs for every screen you may have up at a given time versus having to “drill down” thrugh a standard “top-down” menu system via a single menu button. Again, HB power users, is this a feature you find yourself strongly desiring at all? Or (once again after the initial familiarization period) do you find the existing HB menu system functionally as quick?
Now, open discussion…
3) What features do you think are better on the Lowrance… what features do you think are better on the HB? After you purchased your HB & used it for a while have there been any situations where you realized that one or the other functioned better than the other. (For examples, LakeMaster maps with water level offsets may be an obvious one in favor of HB. But what about some more possibly more subtle differences one may not discover until time on the water? Things due to the subtle differences in frequencies used, number of crystals per transducer, etc., have there been any “wish I had known that moments” (on either HB or HDS)?
Thanks for everyone’s input!