I actually did the same thing you are considering doing and purchased the 385ci for an all around 4 season unit. I purchased the 385ci ICE and then purchased the open water transducer, power cord, and boat mount later all on Ebay. I was able to get a good deal on mine as it was the end of ice fishing season and people were gearing up for the open water. I too was very used to using vexilars and every other kind of flasher for ice fishing up until I bought this unit. I can tell you now I would not think to spend 400-500 dollars for a vexilar when you can get this unit for cheaper (got mine for $370). I actually prefer to watch the graph as opposed to the flasher as it gives you a bit of history so you don’t have to constantly stare at it and worry about missing something that quickly slips through the water column. I never thought I would prefer the graph over the flasher but it is really nice. I was also a bit worried about the 20/60 degree cones being too wide to pick up tiny jigs in deep water but that is not the case. It easily picks up a jig and will also pick up beads or bobber stops on your line. It is also much nicer to have than a vexilar when it comes to open water fishing. The GPS built in is very nice, especially if you don’t already have one. I find the gps to be very beneficial for open water fishing as you can duplicate trolling passes, quickly throw waypoints on interesting structure, and avoid hazards by always following a path you know is safe. The ONE thing I wish was improved was a better reading while traveling high speed on open water. It tends to lose bottom if it gets over 40 feet and you are wide open on the throttle. Not a huge deal for me but to some it may be. Also, if you have the Lakemaster chip it does tend to struggle to keep up with you if you are moving at high speeds. there is a lot of data on that card and the processor in the 385ci isn’t as nice as some of the upper end models as far as the refresh rate goes. Overall I am VERY satisfied with it and have zero reason to consider buying a vexilar.