updating software.

  • jgiacalone
    Posts: 4

    Good morning,

    I have the 998c H from April of 2010. I saw on line that the software had been updated. I have tried several times to download the 5.4 software and then upload to my 998c unit. I have been on the phone with Humminbird support three times.


    I go to H support and log on. My account my profile and then 998c. I down load to H pc on my computer. Message download correct. I move the download to the sd card. Message. send done/correct. I take the sd to my unit. I power on; I use menu to restore defaults. I put in the sd card. According to Humminbird support, I should then see an on screen message to upload from sd card to 998c unit. No message comes up on the screen. I checked the sd card to make sure it is not locked. It is open to be written on and uploaded from. I have tried two sd cards.

    Has anyone else had this difficulty?


    Mpls MN
    Posts: 2603

    Is there anything else on the SD card? If so remove, reformat and load the update again.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    I just updated my 998. I powered on, restored default settings, powered off, put in chip with update (while powered off), powered on unit, upgrade recognized.

    unit notices the upgrade on the chip when the unit is powered on. You will be prompted to allow the update and then again to be sure you want to run the update. While the update is being applied you will see updating on the screen… When it’s complete the unit should reboot itself.

    Hope this helps

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 237

    I know when updating my older Lowrance units I couldn’t use more than a 1GB SD card! I think the newer units will allow a larger size but might want to check.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544


    I know when updating my older Lowrance units I couldn’t use more than a 1GB SD card! I think the newer units will allow a larger size but might want to check.

    That is what I was wondering I have one card for my camera that the camera uses fine but my computer will not recognize it. Try a different card.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    I did my upgrade with an 8GB card last week. Let us know either way.

    Posts: 4

    Good morning,

    I will try your suggestions this weekend. Rather be fishing. I live 4 miles from east shore of Lake Winnebago. I would like to travel to upper WI or MN.

    joe [email protected]

    Posts: 4

    Good morning,

    I tried all of the suggestions offered. I called Humminbird again, and they said be sure sd card is not locked, formated, and checked to make sure the transfer from pc to sd occurred.

    I did all that. I also hit menu twice at start up to see what version is on. Version 4.88, Lake Master chip is being read when I pop it out and re place in.

    I called Shields, the store I purchased from and they suggested I call Humminbird again and request they send me the update on an sd card.

    I am frustrated. I am spending a lot of time on the phone with no results.


    Posts: 4

    Good afternoon,

    Just an update on my troubles updating software for my 998c. Humminbird send me the software on a sd card and I loaded it into my unit. The 998c did not upload and I called H. and they decided to replace my power head with another one. I am hoping it comes today and that the software is current.


    Posts: 60

    OK maybe you did this as well but it took me TRHEE times to figure out when uploading new software on the menu button it asks to upload hit teh RIGHT button when it asks you if you want to confirm it is asking you if you want to ABORT so the second time you need to hit left button or NO I was speed reading and hit the right button twice until I slowed down and read teh darn scree. LOl Hope taht is all it is

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