898 shutting down question

  • jwhite58502
    Posts: 60

    OK have got all trakcs waypoints updates etc… on the 898 on dash and 788 on bow, however when trying to manage waypoints on 898 when i am in tehat window and try to go down to delete the unit shuts off it does not shut off on the 788 and it allwed me ot remove some waypoints but teh 898 shuts down if i try and edit or delete, something in settings I am missing?


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I had a similar issue on my 1197 acting weird while going through a menu. I used a clean (new) SD card, re-downloaded the latest upgrade, and re-ran the upgrade. Worked perfect after that.

    Posts: 60

    Thanks I reloaded the update on a different SD card and will try that

    Posts: 60

    I put the update on the new card and reset the defaults then out teh chip in and fired it up and it says vers 5.4 already laoded no need to update and the GPS points still when i try and edit or delete turnoff and or reboot teh head unit?

    Any other ideas or am I doing this wrong?


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