Namekagon sunnies

  • jhalfen
    Posts: 4179

    Made it out to Namekagon for a few hours Saturday evening. Walleyes were the main target, but there were completely uncooperative. Luckily, we found that the sunnies are thick in the shallows right now, and they provided all of the evening’s entertainment.

    Crawler chunks 18″ under a bobber did the trick. 2-4 feet, over sand with scattered pads. We couldn’t find any of the monsters that Namekagon holds, but did find numerous fish in the 7-8″ class. These are all pre-spawners (water temp 64 deg) so please practive selective harvest.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18805

    Sunnies are done for the most part on Namekagon Flowage. Temp was 69-70. Most beds now empty.

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