Hayward area ice off?

  • Tim Reszler
    Posts: 182

    Any ice off in Hayward area lakes? Coming up that way this weekend for opener but will be turkey hunting. If we get one early I want to fish. Do not want to pull boat up there if there is still ice

    Posts: 1455

    Any certain lakes in mind? Still ice on most. Some flow ages are just opening up.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Ty Sennett is concluding his iceout contest and it sounds like ice will be off the Chippewa Flowage.


    Plymouth WI
    Posts: 314

    Rivers man–rivers.

    Posts: 6


    Any ice off in Hayward area lakes? Coming up that way this weekend for opener but will be turkey hunting. If we get one early I want to fish. Do not want to pull boat up there if there is still ice

    I’m working near stone lake it had slush out in the middle but should be open by the weekend. We got snow yesterday man

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    A week our club tourney director called a Resort on Round Lake near Hayward.

    We were told to forget trying a Tourney for May 18th,
    as of last Wednesday they had just added another foot of snow, on top of 5ft they already had and still 3 ft of Ice.

    Had to change our plans

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940


    A week our club tourney director called a Resort on Round Lake near Hayward.

    We were told to forget trying a Tourney for May 18th,
    as of last Wednesday they had just added another foot of snow, on top of 5ft they already had and still 3 ft of Ice.

    Had to change our plans

    I think this is a gross exaggeration as I was 13 miles from Hayward on Sunday and all but the snow pile remnants were gone. It does appear that some lakes will still have ice but probably not many. Most small lakes around spooner were clear. The big ones had ice but I know how fast that can go. I will know Friday when I get back up there.

    Posts: 6

    Stone is still slushy. Chip river is just ripping. If your planning on fishing the opener I have no idea which one I would try. Probably a lake as the rivers look very muddy and very high.

    I give a report tomorrow when I’m done with work on how everything looks. Then I’m headed home for the weekend

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Here is Ty’s assessment from one of his updates, the last paragraph being the most important for our discussion:

    Well, not really but according to the ice out contest on the site yesterday was the official ice out. Rob Barabe was the winner. Call me or post what colors you want in the Flowage Boas and Corey will make them up this week. You might have to wait a couple more weeks for the Vexers. Just got the first batch of those from the mold and they look great.

    Rob must have had some biblical help on ice out because there was a perfect fifty yard wide path of open water from Siskos to Eagle Island last night when I went and looked. This morning the ice shifted and it’s scattered ice again. So Rob won but on a technicality. Like I said to Don, rules are rules. You don’t need another Flowage Boa anyway Don!

    I haven’t driven around the lake and probably wont until Friday but from what I can see from the roads about half the lake is open. Maybe more. Hard to tell though. Most of the road areas are where there is current so that’s going to be open. I think satellite imagery will tell more. from Ty Sennett fishinginfo


    P.S. I’ve also been reaading and it sounds like a lot of the smaller lakes in that area have opened… It also sounds like here that the large lakes will still have ice… Round, LCO, Grindstone, Namekagon, etc.

    I know that the Phillips Chain to the east has opened…

    Posts: 6

    Nothing has changed much from yesterday news said the chip is 3ft from flood stage in Eau Claire.

    Posts: 1054

    I was up for the opener on the Eau Claire chain in Barnes north of Hayward 20 miles. Middle Frozen , Upper Frozen, Ellison frozen, Pickeral frozen, I am on Bony it is full of springs and was open but it has no boat landing so no fishing for me. Went to Hayward Sat Nelson appeared to be open from Us 27 but could see no boats no one at the dam or togatatic flowage. even Smith lake was frozen. We bought groceries in Spooner Fri night and never saw a boat on a trailer after we got off 94 in Baldwin. Shell lake was frozen on Friday but looked open Sunday on way home. The lake in Cumberland still had big sheets floating around Sunday Evening. Never saw a boat trailer the whole way home.
    MY buddy in Hayward said The Big Chip still had plenty of Ice floating around and was not ice free but was fishable. Lake Hayward was ice free.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18940

    Saw the same thing with Shell and Beaver Damn as well as other various lakes. I tried fishing the Namekagon a little but high and cold. No chance.

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